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Everything posted by kitten2502

  1. Has anyone had issues with the updates site tonight? I've had a message that the site has been reported to Microsoft as being unsafe - and that it poses a security threat to my pc........................
  2. I wasn't watching a live stream - watched it yesterday on youtube. Nearly all gps appear on there after the event.
  3. That link is for the version I watched - no sound on rider interviews..................just be prepared to lip read.
  4. Were the lack of sound issues during rider interviews isolated to youtube streaming or to the live BT Sport broadcast too - obviously NP & KT could hear what was being said - found it disappointing to say the least.
  5. Really disappointed with this........................I was looking forward to hopefully watching as I've visited Landshut for the last 3 years but can't manage it this year.
  6. Cutting your nose off to spite your face surely! All tracks have their race days / start times to suit the home fans firstly. Isle of Wight on a Tuesday is hardly convenient but you're travelling.................
  7. I can testify to that Brian - a group of aforementioned morons stand near me at Perry Barr - they are also quick to critise an "under performing" rider - like they could do better if they had the gonads!!!
  8. I think you might find they are CLOSELY related!.
  9. I hope you all enjoy a memorable night!
  10. I hope you are correct as poor Harvie had a torrid time of it at the Barr last year. I will be pleased to see him back for another shot........
  11. It's postponed. https://twitter.com/TheAces?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
  12. Really feel for the fans & riders of Plymouth - as a Brummies fan - been there. Don't give up......if you want your cub enough it CAN happen.
  13. Apologies if this has been posted already.................... Chris Morton was interviewed on Radio 5live just before 09:00 this morning and I don't recall the word sorry or any apology being mentioned once!
  14. But people paid good money for a good racing event - had I made the trip I would not have been happy with tootling round for the sake of it.
  15. I'm afraid I don't agree with your idea of the meeting should have gone ahead - the people that turned out for this event deserved a "proper" meeting not some have hearted attempt at synthetic racing...........
  16. This link isn't working now - something about the account being terminated due to multiple 3rd party notifications of copyright infringement :'(
  17. I'd agree with that - I'm sure Zach is a dead cert.
  18. Not just his efforts on track - also for his fund raising..........
  19. Adam K has had more than his fair share of personal abuse at home meetings too - which has disgusted me. I have suggested to these "abusers" that at least he has the balls to give it a go, rather than talk about it. His Mom has also witnessed some of this abuse and given short shrift - and who can blame her. So Brummies fans - of which I'm one - think on............
  20. I think 4 points will be enough for you too - although I'd love to be wrong. Gutted I can't make the trip, but previous engagements prevent - I'll be glued to updates with fingers crossed. Was very surprised at Daniel Spillers lack of points last night - is that the result of moving into main body of the team?
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