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Everything posted by kitten2502

  1. In case you missed it - Tai was on BBC Radio 5Live Breakfast this morning - link below. https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/play/m0000ppg
  2. Tai was on (pre-recorded) BBC radio 5live Breakfast this morning https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0000ppg scroll to 1 hr 21 in.
  3. Maybe, just maybe the Mason's don't have the issues with the manager that you have!
  4. Which 4 guests (minimum) will be brought in for Birmingham?
  5. Rumour has it that the 'planned' meeting for 26.09.18 will now not happen - being put back a week - which is disappointing as I'll be on holiday. It may well mean I've seen my last meeting for this year
  6. I'm sure if you email Paul Ackroyd he would be able to confirm on way or another for you - ackroyd-p@hotmail.co.uk
  7. We've already done that with the Peterborough meeting...………..
  8. Have you actually emailed the club to ask? I'm sure they'd be happy to tell you IF they have a plan B.
  9. So pleased you enjoyed your Perry Barr experience, and arrived early enough to take up Laurence's offer of a pit visit. It would have been really rude of me not to come & say hello. We are a friendly bunch (generally) so hope you've now adopted Birmingham as your UK team! Spread the word, we need a new generation through the doors, and you'll be very welcome.
  10. There's a slight misspelt word in there somewhere - I'll leave it with you...……………….
  11. Don’t think so as Tom was already missing from today’s line up as Peterborough had his services today.
  12. Well if I spot you wandering around aimlessly I will collect you & deposit you with said group - OK?
  13. Why don't one of you offer to meet eM_Pe in the foyer? Would seem to be the sensible thing to do.
  14. Our last 3 meetings only have 3 Birmingham riders in them - disappointing but nowt we can do about it!
  15. Surely if it’s anything other than Lawrence Rogers being replaced you’ll be mightily disappointed!
  16. No - they're not even that good anymore.
  17. Swindon have postponed their meeting on Wednesday to avoid a clash with the semifinal - really hope Brum reconsider their stance.......
  18. Very disappointing crowd with just 10 minutes to tapes up. Perfect weather for it - what more to people want?
  19. Forecast is looking good - warm bordering on hot sunshine.
  20. Unless it's Polish of course...............
  21. As are the Brummies fans...........
  22. and also not likely to be fit to ride until possibly June - accordung to this weeks SS - so I don't think so....
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