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kitten2502 last won the day on September 29 2012

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  1. Disappointed to learn Abi Stevens will still be fronting GP's & Prem coverage.....
  2. Don't age him he only celebrated his 40th birthday on Dec 6th. I think the main reason for his dropping average was the major surgeries he had on his broken hip injuries.
  3. And here was me thinking this thread was a Birmingham Brummies one.............
  4. Disappointed - I thought/read there was a “verbal agreement” in place to return. Did he really think he’d be left without a team spot elsewhere (that would NEVER have happened) if Birmingham decided not to continue?
  5. The Brummies "faithful" wont be if Worrall is back (IMHO)!!
  6. I'd be happy if people stopped mentioning Worrall!
  7. Indeed she is part of the consortium, but nowhere does Tracey mention NL she just says what we already know that the only race night available is Monday which wont allow Championship racing.
  8. Are you "quoting" one of the owners or asking some sort of question?
  9. Couldn’t agree more - I wish Greg would do it permanently. I’m probably in the minority here but I can’t stand the women presenters not just Abi, Hayley Bromley too, not to mention the 2 other younger monotone models recently added to the BSN pits interviewing team - makes me cringe. Btw I’m a female!
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