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Pirate Nick

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Everything posted by Pirate Nick

  1. If you guys can't get a crowd with the entertaining team you've assembled we'd just as well all pack up and go home.
  2. Seriously? Surely nobody would be daft enough to pay that?
  3. Oops. Identifying coats of arms is always hazardous with dukes 😉
  4. They Have. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=duke+of+monmouth+arms&client=tablet-android-samsung&biw=1280&bih=800&prmd=ismvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiVt9W1187KAhWL7RQKHTdhB44Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=HXP1qxC2DkD3LM%3A
  5. The flag in question is actually not the Confederate flag. Its the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. It was created to avoid any potential confusion on the battle field as the actual Confederate flag was very similar in design to the Stars & Stripes flag of the Northern armies. Personally it doesn't bother me at all (obviously i'm not racist, I hate everybody equally ) but its probably best to change it given the current political climate. I do think however that all this political correctness associated with minority groups is getting a bit ridiculous. Book burning next
  6. https://twitter.com/speedwaygb/status/692264221082566657 Good value I think.
  7. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Paye Sort of Piratey link to Poole. Heroes to the English but Pirates to the French & Spanish.
  8. TBF IMO on that list there's only 20 that would realistically sign for a season so it's 4 ht leaders short.
  9. And so it continues 😂 PS before the intelligencia comment I know you shouldn't start a sentence with a preposition but I really don't care 😉
  10. Can't believe the BSPA would do that ......... Oh hang on .......
  11. I find it quite amusing that he manages to suck so many (allegedly more intelligent) people into clogging up up page after page trying to prove him wrong 😂
  12. One of my Chic Murray favourites. There's a new slimming course just out where they remove all your bones; not only do you weigh less, but you also look so much more relaxed.
  13. Scandalous? Really? Or a rider standing up against promoters who think they can produce any old crap track and expect riders to get on with it? Too much of get on with it we've only got to get to heat 10.
  14. And Coventry fans with Danish flags, how bizarre how bizarre 😉
  15. Nope, out of my budget range. Nope, out of my budget range.
  16. It has an engine that Darcy had PJR set up for Poole I'm told
  17. http://www.boredpanda.com/cats-planning-to-kill-you/
  18. Tbf whilst I don't agree with Masters actions it did look to me like the mechanic pushed him first. This doesn't excuse his actions but, for me anyway, raises the question as to what business was was it of the mechanic being in Masters face. IMO the mechanic should be fined as well as Masters and also the little hero from Nickis crew who jumped on the back of the stewards pretending to try and reach Masters. Pit crew have no business getting involved. But I'm with SCB on this one a bit of handbags between the riders does wonders for the atmosphere 😉
  19. I can just see it now .............http://www.iankitching.me.uk/humour/hippo/madeira.html
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