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Everything posted by gazzac

  1. True although I'd rather have Edwards and Kemp at reserve at Eastie than the Poole duo, perhaps it's the last 4 seasons in the NL that gives you a slightly different perspective on a team, having seen youngsters come into the team at 15 years old, and younger in the pre match rides,you're just wanting to see them progress.
  2. Sorry thought you meant all Brits. I suppose as said the main problem is the Aussies coming in on 4 points, if not 5, even 4.5 points would make it a harder choice between a Brit and an Aussie. ( I'm not anti Australian by the way!)
  3. So are you writing off the hopes of the likes of Flint, Brennen, Kemp, Edwards etc even now ? Can't believe its not beyond the realms of possibility that some or all may be at least at the level Bewley is now in 2/3 seasons.
  4. Congratulations to Eastbourne, managed to do it 2 seasons in a row, even replacing Tom Brennen after his dreadful injury with Kyle Newman, and retaining both this year. May come up just short on winning anything again this season, but I can guarantee this team relates to the fans especially the youngsters with 3 British youngsters in the team probably better than any other, and if we do lose at home, it will always be an exciting, tight match.
  5. An even greater incentive for Eastie to continue their annually good KO cup form and dump Poole out of it.
  6. Maybe he knows Pooles last 2 riders and thinks they're an easier proposition than Newcastle!
  7. Pity Ian Jordon isn't in charge of speedway in this country in all my many years of going to speedway never known anyone so straight forward and truthful with his comments. A few sentences and everyone knows what's what with any situation.
  8. Last time I saw him do some laps I seem to remember he did 4 laps in 63secs. Only about a second or so a lap slower than todays times, and still looked as effortless as he did all those years ago.
  9. Save on the stamp though, its done now and as usual probably be no explanation.
  10. Worse than Wolves really, at least there's an inkling of looking at long term building with their team this season.
  11. Looking foward to the old rivalry with Poole though on April 4th, seen some great matches between the two over the years, always noisy, see no reason that won't continue.
  12. Now you know how the rest of speedway feels all the time
  13. And no matter what, the fans will be supportive, I can can guarantee whatever his form at the start of the season there will be no negativity for Tom ( or Drew or Jason come to that) throughout the year.
  14. Common sense maybe Richard, but who's to say the final may have been Poole vs Eastbourne? Devalues the competition in my eyes, always thought it was the next best to win after the league, not so sure now.
  15. Devalues the cup, always thought it was the second best thing to win after the league, if it's so obviously manipuated from word go, who's to say the final might have been Poole vs Eastbourne if the draw was a proper draw and left alone, so whoever wins they may not have done if left unmanipulated.
  16. I bet there was never a mishap there, just shows again H&S gone mad in most other things. Hundreds of times more likely to have an accident/mishap on the journey too and from the track!
  17. I suppose it can work the other way, banging in a few big scores in the NL might give them a bit more confidence in the higher league? When all the teams are known, don't think this will be a bad team to be honest.
  18. So he is an asset to everyone then in one form or another, love or loath him!
  19. Far more cost effective to have Gilkes than Kemp I suppose? Also the same logic could be said of Kemp in the championship, although obviously hope it won't happen to any of them, plus he didn't seem over happy there last year may have had a bearing, although don't think he was ever in Len's plans really.
  20. Or better still one of our 3 future heat leaders along with Tom and Jason , unlikely but would be great if it happened.
  21. Take your point to a degree, but apart from Wolves I would imagine every team he's ridden for would have thought him an asset in the time he was with them. Be interesting to see what Sheffield think come the end of the season.
  22. Hopefully Drew has got his confidence back after last season and will kick on this year. Jason is really a season behind the other 2 and hopefully will get nearer their level this year, although still think his bike control is amazing for someone so young and relatively inexperienced, don't think I've ever seen him out of shape. If the speed progresses he will be some rider as well.
  23. Indeed, is Nicki Pedersen still a Wolves asset? Both parties hated each other, but Wolves got a healthy loan fee from Eastie for all those years in the 2000's. On that point if he is, has a 'deal' been done on fees with off setting Broc's loan fee against Pedersen's for this season I wonder?
  24. I see Drew Kemp scored 9+2 and Jason Edwards 8+1 for team GB today. A minor international against Australia but our young reserves should return fit and up for the task, looking forward to seeing them at Arlington.
  25. Think I'd move to the grandstand from my usual veiw point around the start /finish line for that one if they did! Wouldn't feel too safe behind a bit of chip board and a crowd separator if one came through! .
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