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Everything posted by gazzac

  1. Thought I was going to survive all this (lockdown, no live speedway)but with that thought not so sure now.. Drives me mad anyway when its talked about before Dec 1st!!
  2. We're due a further 3 weeks lockdown any minute, dread to think where you 2 will get with this in that time!, still whatever keeps you sane .
  3. I think you'll find that model has a gun metal grey front lip spoiler, on a side note, did they find his wife ?
  4. We don't just need April 1st for fools on here, there's plenty to go round for the whole year really
  5. Its only another blink of the eye in the life span of our planet. We're too insignificant in the whole scale of things to worry about a clock change. Live every day and try to be happy. Sorry been on the wine with my dinner, I'll have a rest now
  6. Indeed might keep a few people sane in the coming months hoping things like speedway may start at somepoint.
  7. Not being quite as savvy as I'd like to be on attaching things on here, have a look at the 2006 Slovenian GP final, I know he's not quite the rider he was then, but love or hate him as has been said making British speedway buzz again, especially with Crump on the scene again.
  8. I take your point, but he did make a typically boring gate and go Hancock race into an exciting, controversial one for the veiwer and as I said earlier, if he's an inch in front he wont shut off.
  9. Having seen Nicki at Eastbourne for 4 seasons I think the main thing I noticed is if he is an inch in front it's up to the other riders to back off or fall off, agree harsh and no prisoners taken. The times at Arlington I saw Peter Karlsson and believe it or not even Leigh Adams and the like do the same and the times I saw Nicki take the decision to back off a foot ,survive not going into the fence and still come back at them in the race, quite often winning it. Hard mindset but it's always been the way with him. By the way a lot of Nicki staying or going is the way he's accepted by the home fans. He loved it at Eastbourne , could have probably got a better deal elsewhere, but the fans loved him and he was there 4 seasons at his peak.
  10. Unfortunately I think that is pretty accurate and I fear for the few remaining stand alone clubs in the NL like the IOW, although hope I'm wrong.
  11. It won't happen in any organised way, as you and Chris have said just a headline to look good and put a spanner in the works of the development leagues.
  12. Indeed, I remember when Woffy and Lewis Bridger were at a point in their early careers when they both seemed to have similar talent on a bike and looked to be going places, we know how that turned out for both!
  13. Happy with our team at Eastbourne, all British, good mix of experience and youth.
  14. Wouldn't have gained a lot in the last 4 or 5 seasons in the NL under the same system, if they under perform like they have over that time schemes like Easties would be better.
  15. Why don't you 2 say how you really feel instead of leaving a coded message
  16. Only thing is Pedersen and Hancock have never stopped riding at the top level. Really can't see Crump wanting to, or being able to get back anywhere near the level he was at retirement. Would love to see the Crump of old but not a pale imitation.
  17. Did they know you were going? At least assume parking was ok and you got the space you wanted on the beach.
  18. Personal weath/income maybe be greater in the south east, but disposable income is probably no greater, especially when property is concerned, purchase price or rent on an average 2 /3 bed property in the south compared to the north more than wipes out any gain in income. I know there are other factors, employment being the main one, but I do think the north south divide is a bit of a myth, you only have to look around some of our southern coastal towns to see some deprivation.
  19. Whether he rides for Ipswich or not this season, am sure he will thrive and improve in the cosetted all British team environment at Eastbourne this season, a good blend of youngsters his age and the experience of Lawson and Kerr etc to call on. Hopefully over the next few seasons it will be an easy path for him and settle with us in the championship and Ipswich in the premiership becoming the rider we hope ( along with Edwards and Brennan obviously!)
  20. Unfortunately I think you could be right.
  21. How to alienate your fan base straight away. Surely it should be aligned with with Eastie on price, otherwise fans like Sings will go elsewhere for their speedway fix.
  22. It does seem a bit excessive, especially the NL price, unfortunately think the NL crowds will be very small because of it, I would have thought the total income from charging say £10/11 would be greater than £14 with a bigger gate, but higher than average prices have always been the norm with Len, and to be honest the Champs should be £17 really.
  23. Doesn't really make any difference, both will only have one home and away match in this competition whether they're in round one or round two.
  24. Did he not retire because of a bad arm injury being told he could impair use if he damaged it again? If that's still the case dought he'd want to return to the cut and thrust of a competitive league, unless time has really healed it.
  25. Maybe out of place not being a Wolves supporter, you've got what team you've got, is it not time to get behind it? Always been a Scott fan and he rode for my team(Eastie)when we won the KO Cup against the 'all conquering ' Poole a good few year's ago, but having seen Broc last year I wouldn't be surprised if he'd have a higher average than Scott at the end of this season. Still think you'll get in the playoffs, and by that time Broc could be a major player in the outcome. Yet to be seen, but the end of season team average is more important than the start, all the aim is now is to get in the play offs, and genuinely think you've as much chance with Broc as you would have with Scott.
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