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Everything posted by gazzac

  1. Or her successor may have other ideas?
  2. Face mask going in and coming out ? Should be mandatory really and that with 2m mark's on the ground as well and outside in the fresh air will the risk really be that high come May/June? I know it's a dreadful thing to say but probably as likely to end up in hospital from an accident to and fro to the stadium as the disease, but I do appreciate its everyone's personal choice.
  3. Think that was old bob's aim, although if I'm honest think he may have it right!
  4. Point taken, probably cashed in on London property prices? To be honest expect you're glad you did move out now?
  5. Being an Eastie fan the trick track jibe always creates a response and H knows it.
  6. Blame land and property value, don't think being a Jonah has anything to do with it you Jonah
  7. He's what a rising star should be and maybe one of the weaker ones on paper/grade, but think he will have a good season and hopefully sensational. If he does go back to BV the following year at least Peterborough will have had a promising youngster who's had a sensational season I suppose.
  8. Good move for BV and Tom, he's a great lad and a perfect marry up of BV and Eastbourne with the tracks being so different which should be great for his progression.
  9. If you mean 1 and 5 maybe, although that's debatable, if you mean 1 to 5 they'll be no where near the strongest in the Championship yet alone the Premiership.
  10. Both too high really, but well done to the promotion for creating such interest if it all goes ahead. Hope it works out ok financially aswell.
  11. Suppose I really meant injury free, certainly Scott looks fitter than ever. Joe Screen was a legend at Eastie especially before his bad leg break, but his idea of being fit I think was eating 1 pie instead of 2.
  12. Think the only barrier is keeping fit, their experience helps keep them out of trouble normally, but at their age the last thing you want is a wild more inexperienced rider clattering into you, bodies don't bounce aswell at 40 than at 18/20. Having said that still be good to see them at Arlington hopefully this year, Bjarne Pedersen and especially Scott have great race craft there.
  13. If he did come , be a really weak bottom end to the team with the points used on him and Bjarne.
  14. Has it ever really made any difference? Virtually every meeting I've been to normally 3 of the 4 programmed reserve rides have been switched to suit the meeting .
  15. I think the only 'loophole' is Eastie committed to their own rising star program over the last 4/5 years and no matter what rules there were last season or this Brennen and Edwards were guaranteed a team place, and to a degree Kemp. As there was never a chance of Edwards riding Premiership this season, and probably next as well, opted out of the latest program, maybe the same with Bowtell etc, unlike Palin,Brennen, Kemp etc who want to go all the way and need a 'rising star's grade for the Premiership. Assume if you opt out of the Championship star rating, you're out of the Premiership one as well?
  16. I imagine both Rowe and Kemp will be at Ipswich, so Brennen the most likely and to be honest all three are capable of beating each other and think Brennen will be best at Monmore of the 3. As regards their future potential, who knows at the moment, how many times have we seen similar very good youngsters go in very different directions career wise, always think back to Tai and Lewis Bridger being very similar at 17/18, and we know where that went.
  17. Don't try saying that to Tai , loved the Wolves track, hated it at Arlington, remember a half time interview and in his usual family friendly way on the mike said "I fu****g hate the place" and that was before he had his hand injury there. Anyway Tom would be great for you at No7.
  18. Basically a KO Cup then after a seasons practice?
  19. Playoffs with even 12 teams always seemed wrong, ( but we've had that argument for 19 years) but tv and finances made it the norm, and can't think it'll be any different this season even with only 6 teams.
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