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  1. 125cc Class or 125cc Support Class: whats the difference ? Why ?
  2. Updated to included FIM's 'Ladies Cup', Academies, Participants, etc. https://speedwaychampions.yolasite.com/women-champions.php
  3. Updated, to include FIM 'Ladies Cup', Academies, Participants, etc. https://speedwaychampions.yolasite.com/women-champions.php
  4. New webpage on Women's Speedway Championships, World and GB, past and present; rider profiles and portraits. https://speedwaychampions.yolasite.com/women-champions.php
  5. There were 2 other females there last night, - v. junior admittedly. What’s the minimum age and cc for the 2 GB women championships ?
  6. In the light of FIM's latest World Championship ouvré of the Woman's Speedway Gold Trophy a further webpage has been added to the Speedway Champions site, - 'Women Champions'. It covers the WSGT and the 2 new national women's championships, plus other past female competitions and Match Races from the '30s, '60s and '80s, as well as biographies and profiles of women speedway riders past and present. https://speedwaychampions.yolasite.com/women-champions.php
  7. 4 heat wins for Liebmann, 4 second places for Hellowell, who then loses a rostrum place in the Final when she fell unhindered coming out of the first lap. Result : Liebmann, Pedler, Gordon. https://speedwaychampions.yolasite.com/women-champions.php
  8. After a 4 year hiatus Speedway Champions is back, www.speedwaychampions.yolasite.com - noted the revised url. Updated to the 2023 season and the ongoing 2024 Oz, NZ and winter Ice events, the individual champions of all speedway nations, major and minor, past and present, from Argentina to Zimbabwe, are listed, along with Long Track, Ice Racing and Grass Track national and regional champions. These are supplemented with the title-holders of other FIM 'Track' disciplines of Sidecar Speedway and Flat Track racing, - official and unofficial - , in both UK and Europe, plus USA and the newer German and Australian events of Krowdrace and 'Aussie Flat Track Nationals' (AFTNs), now granted official Championship status for 2024. Winners of other respected former and current speedway competitions, such as British Match Race Championships, Czech, Aussie and Polish Golden Helmets, League Riders Championships and ultimately, World Championships, are also included. www.speedwaychampions.yolasite.com
  9. I'm going to record this shortly under 'Australasian Championships' (suitably qualified,) on the Speedway Champions website, - seems the most appropriate place. http://www.speedwaychampions.com/--australasia.php
  10. The FIM regional authorities having been given a degree of autonomy, this authority is no doubt trying to demonstrate its status (in the speedway sphere, - no idea how they stand in other m/c sports out there - ?) After a number of successful Sidecar Speedway Oceania Championship years seems they want to expand. FIME through SEC have a European Championship, this will be FIMO's equivalent.
  11. Doug, Jack, Harry, Alan(Allen) & Bob Serrurier. (click image for full view of the 5). www.speedway-sa.com
  12. Ernie Hancock also started and ran something called the International Speedway Supporters Club, ( - ?, wording tbc) circa 1963-4. It possibly ran trips abroad. Known of to badge collectors because it had its own badge, - white race-jacket shape, with a Union Jack within - , so any collector had to join and get one. They also issued year bars for the badge. Mine's long since gone, but someone may still have one to show.
  13. Take a look at the photograph plus all the GH and SH winners over time.
  14. Appointed by the local club, WSRC, as their webmaster for 10 years, and via that and European connection, into the Sp.Star.
  15. Freddie Williams had great successes in South Africa and Rhodesia in the '50s, - a time when all the World-class riders, Briggs, Moore, Craven, Crutcher, Nygren, Fundin, etc , spent the winter there - , including Golden Helmet MRC wins in both countries. He was undefeated SA GH champ in '53/'54, and had a 10.56 league average over his 2 league season there. Details HERE
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