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About racerback

  • Birthday 05/22/1974

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    attached and happy
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    missing reading speedway

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  1. i love how the speedway gp website has sam hagon as a german in the heat results
  2. they are just looking for someone to hold the rug up while this is swept under it
  3. i heard from someone in the know that the 2025 season maybe scrapped as rain is forcast for some of the days
  4. i did email the club pointing this out and suggested some kind of club partnership but no response
  5. good to see a new timing partner in the watch company omolagato helping british speedway mr kalra the owner of the company is heavily invested in motorsport and hopefully like what he sees in the sport looking forward to seeing if he does a speedway watch
  6. I think Sam was just a technical advisor if i'm right (which i'm not alot of the time ) jim lynch was team manager
  7. threy are still stuck at the hotel trying to check in after the manager asked how many guests and they all replied its a long season how should we know
  8. chapman will be waiting to see if consortium get any agreement with stadium owners that way the price would rise as sold as a going concern not just a sale of assets surely
  9. will he be able to return thursday surely if knocked out or some kind of concussion its a 7 day rest period dont get me wrong i would love him to ride as a neutral fan but safety first
  10. yet another reason this sport needs taking away from bspl/scb control i really believe mr bishop on the iow has the right idea with nora people say we should be happy we have speedway at all but the truth is we dont we just have a farce
  11. replaces his own brother ouch thats got to sting abit for joe
  12. https://eastofenglandarena.com/events/peterborough-speedway/ has the season down as ending 31st may 2023 hope this is just a misprint
  13. good to see kasprzak feeling better today in poland no doubt he will be fine for the next home meeting haha must have great roses in kings lynn due to the amout of bs that gets spread there
  14. Let's be honest British speedway signed a deal with an engine manufacturer and that worked well then signed a deal for tyres you can't use at Peterbrough as they fall apart I'm guessing we will be behind Poland under 11,s in the pecking order
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