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Everything posted by StevePark

  1. Hopefully it will stop raining long enough to come down for this one and support the Diamonds, for what will be my first meeting of the season! I'd guess at Kyle Howarth for the guest spot for Stevie, if they don't go down the R/R route.
  2. The meeting wasn't over two legs, though, was it?
  3. Tomorrows meeting at Newcastle is OFF. I didn't see this thread and started one in Individual/Shared Events !
  4. It it's kids, then why don't the parents keep control of them and tell them to stay away from the incident?
  5. Interesting line-up for this one, which has now become the season opener at Brough Park, after last week's postponement. Line-up: 1 Jack Thomas, 2 Taylor Hampshire, 3 Leon Flint, 4 Kean Dicken, 5 Alfie Bowtell, 6 Anders Rowe, 7 Ben Woodhull, 8 Kyle Bickley, 9 Callum Walker, 10 Joe Lawlor, 11 Layne Cupitt, 12 Kelsey Dugard, 13 Alex Spooner, 14 Nathan Greaves, 15 Bradley Andrews, 16 Jack Smith. Reserves: 17 Kieron Douglas, 18 James Hitchen. Adults £10, Kids (age 11-16) £3, Under-10's £FREE. Just to remind people, Season Tickets NOT Valid for this one, as it's a BSPA event.
  6. Looks like it has come through now, as he's listed in the Comets Line-up on their Twitter and Facebook pages, so panic over! Best wishes to Stevie W after his trip to hospital. I hope he's OK and it's nothing serious and just a precaution.
  7. Workington Twitter feed lists both Ty P and Chris H in the line-ups.
  8. The Visa's, as far as I understand, are to do with which League the track is in. Ty Proctor, for example, had his Premiership Visa but not Championship Visa, so if the Individual was ridden on, say Belle Vue's track, he could ride in it, but not a Workington individual, as that's a CL track! Completely barmy, if you ask me, but there you go!
  9. Also, don't forget the engine tuners, who are raking it in from riders income.
  10. Sorry, I should also said that there was more fixtures last season in the SGB Championship as it was home and away twice. With the introduction of Lakeside to the league, it was felt (quite rightly in my opinion) after a lot of clubs having to rush their fixtures through at the end of the season, mainly due to the weather in a lot of cases, that we would only race against each other once home and away, so instead of 18 home and 18 away League matches, it is 10 home and 10 away League matches + the Championship Shield (the 'old' League Cup) was re-introduced, with some having 3 home and three away and the 'Southern' Group 2 home and two away. That's why it's 'fractured,' less official fixtures.
  11. All due to every year the clubs, because of bad weather, rushing their fixtures through at the end of the season to meet the cut-off for the play-offs, especially in the SGB Championship, so they cut the number of League fixtures.
  12. I can see McDonald's up the road getting extra business, unless things change.
  13. It's a shame that we are talking more about the catering than the speedway. But, having said that, people will be put off going if things aren't right, and, with a small(er) crowd to begin with, that's the last thing Workington (or any other track) need. Last season (when Newcastle were there) my mate and myself went round to the cafe to get food, only to be told that the generator had broken and they couldn't cook any food, so burgers/chips/hot pies etc., were off the menu. So we had to walk back to the 'pits van,' which, thankfully was good enough, although, because of the problems with the cafe on bend 2, the queue was longer than normal. The last time I bought anything from the mobile van on the apex of bends 1 & 2, the nicest thing about the burger and chips was the bun. The chips weren't cooked enough and the burger just didn't taste nice. Hopefully things will improve and I will check them out for myself when the Diamonds visit on Friday 13th July, and hopefully it won't be ominous (Friday the 13th and all that!).
  14. Please read my second post (I'd give you the number of it, but doesn't appear since they change the forum!!). So I will copy and paste it and highlight the bit that is prevalent.... It was in reply to On 3/31/2018 at 12:18 PM, allthegearbutnaeidea said: Just because Newcastle have a bunch of lazy fans who wouldn’t put the covers down for poor old Steve he’ll have a dig at the track who do. We have plenty of volunteers to put sheets down. Access to the stadium is the problem and, with a dog meeting every Saturday afternoon and night, there is no timescale available to put them down, before a Sunday evening. Could Berwick have been able to cover the track if Berwick Rangers had been at home today (genuine question)? It wasn't supposed to be a dig at the track/promotion/volunteers. It was a dig at 1) the weather and 2) those who think that covers will save every meeting. I was at the FIM meeting a couple of years back when we were standing around for 50 mins whilst the FIM made the decision to call the meeting off, something that could have been done an hour and half earlier. That proved back then they work, but only if it's stops raining in time.
  15. We have plenty of volunteers to put sheets down. Access to the stadium is the problem and, with a dog meeting every Saturday afternoon and night, there is no timescale available to put them down, before a Sunday evening. Could Berwick have been able to cover the track if Berwick Rangers had been at home today (genuine question)? It wasn't supposed to be a dig at the track/promotion/volunteers. It was a dig at 1) the weather and 2) those who think that covers will save every meeting. I was at the FIM meeting a couple of years back when we were standing around for 50 mins whilst the FIM made the decision to call the meeting off, something that could have been done an hour and half earlier. That proved back then they work, but only if it's stops raining in time.
  16. Which is why, in my opinion, the rule should be "ready to race within the two minutes," rather than "on the track."
  17. I'd have Matej in my Diamonds 1-7 too. Hopefully, sometime in the not too distant future, he will ride for us again.
  18. It could for all kinds of reasons. 1) There was no offer to begin with. 2) He didn't think the offer (if there was one) was good enough. 3) Redcar offered to sign him before we were guaranteed to be running. 4) He didn't want to return after not getting a place last season. That's just four off the top of my head. Don't forget it's a brand new promotion at Redcar to the one he rode under last time. Had it been the 'old' promotion, I doubt he would have gone back there.
  19. Speedway Star says it should be £15 online, £16 at the gate.
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