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Everything posted by StevePark

  1. Anyone from anywhere is welcome at Brough every week. I just feel calling a team Sunderland in Newcastle would not attract local fans and, yes, it is, I'm afraid, a football thing, about the name.
  2. No. Calling a team Sunderland is likely to keep people away! More chance of attracting folk if they were called Byker (or some such local name).
  3. Or Newcastle Gems.... like they were called when in the Conference League
  4. In an ideal world I'm sure Neil would have wanted it sorting much quicker, but, unfortunately, it isn't always like that. And no, I don't think he waited to 'see if he could get his own way.' For a start, I don't believe Neil is like that and, secondly, I think it was always going to be his last season running the Tigers, so, no matter what, he was going to sell. Only my opinion of course. Only Neil (and a few close associates I'd guess), know for certain.
  5. It's not all about selling to the first person who comes along though is it? Neil will want it to go to the right people, which will take time.
  6. Harry Enfield (Scouse character who looked like Graeme Souness/Yozzer Hughes, with curly wig and false black 'tache).
  7. Stevie W last appears on issue 38 and is shown as a 3.00 (in Redcar team), so, I'm guessing he'll be a 3.00?
  8. Does anyone actually believe Kenni would want to drop back down to the PL? I really can't see it, even as a double upper.
  9. Leaves 4.76 for your last rider! So Get picking!!!
  10. Have Peterborough actually 'folded' though? As far as I understand it, the "door has been left ajar for the club to participate in British Speedway," I presume with new owners, or does that mean the new owners have to start from 'scratch'?
  11. Someone has just put on Twitter, that the NL reserves will be graded A & B and those will be allocated to the teams by the Management Committee.
  12. Interesting to see Peterborough not in any league (pending a buyer being found), yet Sheffield are in the PL. Does this mean a buyer has been found?
  13. I'd guess the League Cup matches are also going to count toward the PL? Don't know though, but that is the only way I can see that working! It's also interesting to note Peterborough are not in any league, but Sheffield are. Maybe that means Sheffield have got a buyer in place? Again, only guessing.
  14. Don't know when it was first introduced, but this is also used in cycling, Called 'Devil Takes the Hindmost' or 'Miss and Out.'
  15. They have regular meetings throughout the season and also have a pre-AGM get together too. They don't just turn up at the end of the season over three days to try and work out what to do the following year(s).
  16. I'd agree. But they say that every year and little changes. Meanwhile, dependant on the structure/points limit etc., for 2014, I'd be inclined to build the team around Anton and Lewi. The rest, to fit in around them.
  17. I don't know to which track you refer, but, that to me, just says that that club isn't doing it's job properly, by not get out there and promoting. Has that club got a PRO?
  18. I didn't realise that had gone against 'us'. It had been a 'grey area'.
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