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Everything posted by StevePark

  1. If I recall correctly, he went for scans very shortly afterwards, which showed the extent of his injuries.
  2. They were KOC matches which don't count towards the averages
  3. Robbo said on Sunday night that he wants to be back at Newcastle next season.
  4. A few PL clubs build to a (limited?) budget (Rye House being a prime example) and fans of those types of clubs say "we are a poor team" even before a wheel is turned. But they will have speedway to watch there, so long as the likes of Len Silver want to continue, or someone else steps in to run the club. Some Newcastle fans wanted "an out-and-out Number One" and the promotion went out and got, who they hoped, would be that man and yet fans were still not happy (OK, this mainly due to the Robert Lambert situation. But by bringing Danny King in, it meant a 3 pointer coming in as well and two riders being released). As you well know, you can't have it both ways. As far as loyalty is concerned, I don't think there is a lot of it about nowadays, unfortunately.
  5. Surely a rider can't pick and choose which meetings he rides in???? ........... Oh, wait a minute......
  6. To be honest, saying it was boring (maybe it was on that occasion) after only seeing one meeing there, is a bit harsh. If you'd gone, say, 8 times and saw 8 'boring' meetings, then, yes, you'd have a valid point. All I'm saying is that you can't really judge a track if you've only been the once.
  7. Thet don't come around that often though. It's only 2 years ago we 'unearthed' Lewi K, so to expect another might be asking a bit much. Not impossible though. It's similar to all the top notch Danes we were getting in. It had to end eventually and did. The worrying thing is, we don't have too many of our own assets to call on, so will be forking out Loan fees. I'd say bring in a 7 pointer and get another asset on the books and hope they aren't a Konopka or Palovaara.
  8. And the away fans, many of whom won't be travelling this week, despite making the (part) journey last week.
  9. Theo Pijper and Max Dilger http://www.edinburghmonarchs.co/news/article.asp?id=1854
  10. Why do you think it's a "joke question"? All I'm asking is, if they could do the scheme I mentioned in my earlier post for the Redcar/Glasgow Double-Header, why not do it for this one?
  11. Shame. It'll be interesting to see how many Diamonds fans make the trip North this Friday, seeing as last week Edinburgh said "It's three o'clock and sunny and the match is definately ON," (three o'clock being the time fans would have been thinking about setting off), only for them to call it off at 6 o'clock when the travelling fans will have been most of the way there. Then to put it on as a Double-header and charge £27 and for fans to have to fork out for fuel for the second week running. So in total, some fans will have spent nigh on £100 (if not more) over the two Friday's (add on to that food, Prog costs, etc.). So what's the difference between Redcar/Glasgow and Newcastle/Peterborough?? And you wonder fans are walking away from the sport!
  12. Daft question, but what if you only want to watch one of the matches? Did they not have some kind of arrangement for the Redcar/Glasgow Double-Header, that if you were there for the first match, you paid full price, but, if you left before the second match started you got refunded some money by showing your ticket on the way out? Likewise if you turned up only for the second match you only paid the normal entrance fee? Is there a similar arrangement for this Friday??
  13. I think that is why we are on first! Build a big of a lead as possible against us, and, all things being equal, it shouldn't matter about the second match as it should be a formality, but a bit risky if they have engine problems or, God forbid, any injuries in the match against us.
  14. Re-arranged for 7pm Fri 10th Oct as the first part of a Double-header with the League Cup Final 2nd Leg vs Peterborough. Diamonds match on first. http://www.newcastlediamonds.co/news/article.asp?id=100331 Edited to see if link works!
  15. Newcastle Diamonds : Largely disappointing. Team began to gel, but too late to make the Play-offs. Injuries played a minor part.
  16. Max Clegg guests for the injured Chris Mills for the Diamonds (courtesy Edinburgh website).
  17. And, according to the Edinburgh website, Scott Robson is making a comeback (they must have been reading the Berwick E-Newsletter!! ). http://www.edinburghmonarchs.co/news/article.asp?id=1844
  18. Lewi Kerr has Tweeted he has done his scaphoid and his season is over. Meanwhile this statement is now on the Diamonds website concerning the date "move" from the 5th to the 12th Oct. http://www.newcastlediamonds.co/news/article.asp?id=100328
  19. Newcastle will need a guest as Lewi Kerr has Tweeted he has done his scaphoid and that his season is over. Gutted for the lad. Hope the weather forecast improves!
  20. http://www.newcastlediamonds.co/news/article.asp?id=100327
  21. I'd only have Starke in as a reserve. Similar to Lewis R, who would be my personal choice. I'd certainly steer clear of Covatti (even on that average). I'd have Simon N back, or, if fit, Chris Mills. A lot depends on who is at the top-end average wise, and what the team average will be (although I think they should leave well alone and keep it at 42.5).
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