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Everything posted by StevePark

  1. According to BSPA website "illness and injury." http://www.speedwaygb.co/news.php?extend.30824
  2. No problem. With all the rule changes (most of which they don't tell you about!), I was unsure too, which is why I asked George English on Sunday if we were allowed a guest or not!
  3. Guest allowed (or R/R if the club wants to go that route). He's riding for his EL club, so rule is a guest is allowed.
  4. It's to stop riders deliberately lowering their averages to be able to drop down to the PL, I believe is the reason behind it.
  5. Which Kurtz? Surely if it's Brady, he could have got back, as Robert Lambert was in the same meeting and he's managing to get to Brough for tonight?
  6. Makes me feel old! Grandfather (Bob), Father (Michael) and now young Connor, I have watched them all in 2nd Div tier racing!
  7. Trying to find out who the Devils guest(s) are! The Plymouth website appears to be down, so any news would be appreciated!
  8. Wells now in: http://www.workingtoncomets.co/news/article.asp?id=100666
  9. Flying back. Diamonds at full strength http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/speedway/newcastle-diamonds-new-no-1-11552033
  10. Craig Cook is deemed ineligible to ride, as he has not raced enough meetings for the Panthers (according to the BSPA). Same might said for Kurtz (not sure).
  11. Extra income during Stockcar meetings too, don't forget.
  12. Newcastle don't like to run the day after Cardiff, I was just mentioning the blank Sunday's as Terrace Grumbler can't get to Monday meetings.
  13. Seems like you were knocking it to me. But, hey, if not I apologise. By the way, I don't see myself as one of "the usual types on BSF to spoil it."
  14. Currently peeing down in Gosforth. Looks like the forecast was spot on. I don't think they called this off lightly. It causes a massive 'headache' trying to fit the fixtures in. As I said in an earlier post, I make it 5 to be re-arranged (Scunthorpe x2, Ipswich, Workington and Somerset). The next blank Sunday is the day after Cardiff. Sunday 17th July is 'Reserved KOC - QF' so hopefully someone can come on that date. The weekend after is the Fours. There are no blank Sunday's after that until September. Answers on a postcard, please...
  15. Easier said than done (yes. I know your tongue was placed firmly in your cheek!). Not just the winning the lottery bit, but finding somewhere and getting permission to build a 'stadium' would be the hard part.
  16. We might not have a choice, though. It's a toughie, agreed, but I make that 5 fixtures we have to re-arrange now (counting the KOC & PL matches vs Scunthorpe as two matches).
  17. If you've got the facilities to watch two (or three or four for that matter) at once, then why not? Some people don't have the time to watch things 'later' and/or would rather watch them live. It's a personal choice. Yours just so happens to be different to his. Why knock it?
  18. If we can get someone to come, I wouldn't be surprised if we ran on the Monday. Beat me to it!
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