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Midland Red

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Everything posted by Midland Red

  1. However it has been spent in the past (and let's not go into that!) any money Sky have put into the sport/promotions has been very welcome. However, I still wonder whether regular televising of league speedway achieves anything that benefits the sport, as many of the televised meetings (for whatever reason) can become long drawn-out affairs which do nothing to attract non-followers to our wonderful sport. In addition, I also wonder how many speedway fans who are also Sky subscribers (not just for speedway, but for PL football and rugby, etc) choose to opt out of attending meetings in favour of their weekly TV fill. If these two points have any truth in them (and it has always been my own opinion that they do) then a deal with Sky (or another broadcaster) only to televise but not to sponsor/fund the sport can only have a detrimental effect. The sport cannot afford to lose its long-term followers who may, for whatever reason, decide to stay in their armchairs for their speedway, and it cannot afford to deter any new followers by televising unattractive meetings - bear also in mind that the atmosphere, the smell, the comradeship of real life speedway does not, and cannot, come across on the TV screen. If we had the situation as in the past where we could stage big meetings like a GB v USA test series, televising such events could attract a new audience to our tracks, particularly as all the riders (the Collins, Penhall, Carter, Moran type stars) could be seen in our league programme, but sadly those days are gone. I don't feel that we have a decent enough product to put in front of a TV audience and attract new punters, but I do feel that those who get out of the habit of attending because they can watch some speedway on TV will not come back. I love our sport, ever since my first meeting in 1964, and I've travelled all over attending meetings, and in the "good old days" there was a great attraction to have the odd meeting covered on TV - I now think that there's too much of it to be just an advertisement to entice new followers. Sorry for rambling on but there you go!
  2. Well, I just hope he doesn't get to ride at Brandon whilst the dreadful Peter York is still there, as he couldn't pronounce the name Todd Kurtz correctly (amongst many others), so how he would cope with this one . . . . . . ?
  3. You seem to delight in putting the blame for this on Chris Harris He hasn't struck, either once or again None of this is his doing - he is simply the recipient of any moves the rules allow or the authorities deign to make If all of this means that he will appear in the 2014 SGP, do not place any of the blame on the rider, or be disrepectful to him as a person or as a racer of considerable ability Thank you!
  4. There is a suggestion that Tomasz Gollob has failed to beat the deadline for confirming his availability for the 2014 SGP If this is true, and I know it's a big if, Chris Harris would move up in to the series, which could compromise his availability for Fridays at Brandon And I wonder if Hans Andersen could be missing meetings if he's in the European Championships in 2014?
  5. Over 27,000 posts - any sense of truth, perspective and reality within them?
  6. What about Peter York - do we still have to suffer him again in 2014?
  7. How easy will it be for Coventry to accommodate all the fixtures - extra "EL" fixtures, Storm, 2 x Testimonial, Brandonapolis(?), already agreed a challenge with Leicester, also with Bomber on duty as 1st SGP reserve? Are we going to see Bees matches regularly on a Thursday instead of Friday? Are we going to have two meetings some weeks (Bees and Storm)? Regarding the "EL" 6 and 7 riders, do Bees have any call over Storm riders? And throughout the "EL" will there be a third "NL" rider allocated to cover for any absence of an allocated 6 or 7? Just wondering!
  8. And for those of whose first language is English . . . . That's not saying very much for it, though, is it?
  9. Today's Coventry Telegraph carries an announcement of the death at 76 of John Ivor (Nick) Nicholls [Coventry 1954-61] RIP Nick
  10. That's why I have often suggested that the second half rides count towards qualification for the * * * * * * * League Riders Championship at the end of the season, thereby making the second half races more meaningful than just "Rider of the Night" and hopefully ensuring that team members appear in the second halves rather than flit off to the next country they are due to ride in
  11. Just hope Brummies are in any league next season - and for many more to come
  12. Here's to a speedy recovery, Uncle Bob!
  13. I thought this thread was "COVENTRY BEES 2014" ?
  14. I thought this thread was "COVENTRY BEES 2014" ?
  15. I would bring back the old "Rider of the Night" second halves, with points accumulated in the finals throughthe season counting as qualification for the League Riders Championship meeting, plus two heats of reserves and home track second strings, like we used to have May need to revert to the old 13 heat match to accommodate this - definitely will need to revert to the old tactical substitute system, which at least gave fans extra rides from the better riders So that's a 19 heat programme each meeting, with a meaningful 2nd half
  16. Would you like to talk us through the above, Mr Shoveller, as I'm sure all right minded people do not understand what you have written
  17. Oh dear, Mr Shoveller, do you HONESTLY believe any right-minded speedway fan/supporter/follower is the tiniest bit jealous of Poole Pirates, along with their Management? I think not
  18. I assume you mean "not unsubstantial" (and I assume you mean "Argus" as well!) And don't forget there is a business "empire" behind the operation, which I assume is very profitable! Our replies crossed! There's a big difference between unsustainable and (not) unsubstantial If he said (or meant to say) unsustainable then that is worrying, certainly
  19. Don't forget there are no rental costs at Arlington
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