Spot on, Mr P! Showing the best bits in a weekly show, cutting out all the crap, would highlight what a great sport it is
If the promoters, officials and the riders all then pull their weight together to reduce the amount of crap there is, the future could just be a little brighter
I can spell his name properly, I suggest it's he who has adopted a different spelling
Butcher, Baker, Collier, Draper - they all stick to the original spelling
The clue is in the name - Shoveller
It's not the success, it's the manner in which it's obtained, and the damage done to the sport as a whole by the actions of the promoter
I wonder if the Team Manager and the Presenter are line-managed by the Operations Manager?
If so, Blayne - do the right thing and make yourself a hero for ever
I see we have a new announcer's name on the club website - Gordon Camwell
Blayne is included as Operations Manager
Unfortunately, as yet, there are no changes to the names of the team manager and the presenter
Using traditional sandpaper rackets, the World Championship of Ping Pong is a throwback to the early days of table tennis and aims to catapult ping pong into the big league and onto the international television stage.
So I guess they will be on 2 valve uprights and wearing black leathers
So . . . There was a conspiracy to get Tai to win the WC in order for Tomasz to lose his mega-sponsorship so that Harris could sneak in to next year's series????
I was going to say "you couldn't make it up" but . . .
There's another "Sky" thread on the Elite League section of the forum, and I've just posted a ramble on there - I don't think it's right to post the same thing into two threads, so rather than duplicate it, I thought I'd mention it if anyone cares to read it - thank you