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Midland Red

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Everything posted by Midland Red

  1. Here we go - Neil, how important is it to gain points away from home? OMG! PK can't land a blow, either! On this tight, technical track
  2. Copied from the TV thread: PHILIPRISING, on 23 Jul 2014 - 11:39 AM, said: mickthemuppet, on 26 Jul 2014 - 6:30 PM, said: Absolutely spot on, mick! And once they're out of the habit, they're lost forever
  3. Absolutely spot on, mick! And once they're out of the habit, they're lost forever
  4. Copied from another thread - just for reference
  5. Oh dear - I wonder what there was to learn from watching Ward in the pits?
  6. Every point is vital! I hadn't realised that till it was pointed out
  7. Totally agree And remind him that riders do not come out "on a new bike", they come out "on a different bike" For a so-called journalist, he really is poor
  8. They'd be similarly accused if they went ahead with the fixture with a team full of guests and r/r A no win situation, which should have been avoided months ago
  9. Really made up that Andre is not as badly injured as first feared Pardon??????
  10. Perhaps Neil Watson can give us the background?
  11. Reflections on last night's tv: Sincere best wishes to Andre, that injuries are not too serious and for a quick and complete recovery Good to see Owlerton on tv, made for some good racing (without top names!!!) Impressed with smart appearance of track staff - could other tracks follow suit Plus marks to Sky for not re-showing the heat 14 crash, as the outcome was not known at the time Big minus marks to Sky, though, for their 2013 Highlights fill in, which seemed to major on spectacular crashes - not a great choice for that moment (oh, and 4th is spelt fourth, not forth, as in the clip!!!) And another minus for another dreadful interviewer - not Chris Louis! - where do Sky get them?
  12. Posted on the SWC thread . . . My point entirely, against swerving speedway without the "top men"!
  13. Sex never got in the way of speedway - not at 7.30pm on a Saturday at Brandon, hive of the Bees and speedway's Cheerful Centre!
  14. Why don't N & K pay attention? I know what Bomber pointed at, why don't they?
  15. Some riders who are the best in the sport on view tonight in the SWC on what is reputed to be a top racetrack - not serving up much entertainment so far!
  16. As you've watched, and enjoyed so much televised speedway, has it caused you to choose not to attend any speedway meetings you might otherwise have attended? - and I don't mean meetings which have been on TV
  17. I mean that speedway fans can get their dose of speedway too easily on TV, whether it's a meeting they would have attended or not Speedway stands out, as you put it, as its core fan base to begin with is tiny, so even a few fans choosing to opt out of paying at the turnstiles is a relatively high percentage If someone watches a Swedish league match on TV with two teams full of "top names", there's too much danger that they will then swerve a meeting at their local track, not on the same night, because they've had their "dose" I know it's not the whole problem with British speedway, but I do think it's a major factor If there was sufficient financial income from TV and allied advertising, it perhaps wouldn't be major - but there isn't
  18. That's nonsense! BPL clubs have enormous fan bases, unlike speedway, which needs as much of its own, limited fan base to go through the turnstiles and not watch the sport on TVMy BPL team sells out for every home match, has tens of thousands on the waiting list for season tickets, I tried for match tickets for the first nine home games for the forthcoming season and could only obtain two That's why your argument above is nonsense Many will watch the SWC tonight on TV who would have attended had it not been televised The same applies to EL fixtures - not in vast numbers but enough to affect financial viability
  19. One reason is that they can stay at home and watch speedway on tv on several nights of the month - why pay to go and see it TV is killing our sport, not supporting it Which planet have you been on? - one where speedway promoters actually own their own stadia, I take it - that isn't planet UK, my friend!
  20. Two have already been mentioned, Mountford & France and Wilson & Storer To which I would add Boocock and Cottrell
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