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Midland Red

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Everything posted by Midland Red

  1. My top three - in no particular order Allen Walker John Earrey Ted Sear To mention Peter York in the same breath as any of the above should never, ever, be considered
  2. Interesting thoughts - perhaps they're worthy of further discussion?
  3. Not that difficult to hire a vehicle to take man and machine to the meeting
  4. Two things: He should have been professional enough to ensure that he could arrive in time for the meeting, even if something untoward occurred. Over the years I've seen the top men arriving mid-afternoon for an evening meeting - young Mr Lambert should learn a lesson from this. By every fan, who do you mean? Every speedway fan, or every Lambert fan? I think there's a difference there!
  5. Why? Had the chance to qualify, and didn't Only his fault he wasn't there in time to ride Those who did, and rode and qualified, deserve to be in the final, without any intruders
  6. Perhaps he needs to go to a training school?
  7. So by attending a meeting, you will come away with an accurate attendance figure? What do you do, count them all? What about all the younger fans who generally spend the meeting on the move, how do you know if you've double or treble counted them - or missed them completely? If attendances are in the range of 300 to 500, missing out or double counting 50 would be a large percentage error You still talking tosh!
  8. You mean to say they've got Peter York? Do you think they'll keep him?
  9. However well Woffinden might be at training young riders, there would be virtually no way they could reach the levels he has done without the expensively-prepared rocket machines he has had access to the last few years
  10. Excellent post - absolutely spot on!
  11. That's just Wikipedia, gustix - not always known for factual accuracy!
  12. I can only echo those words above RIP Bob
  13. I don't have biases to put to one side I've only had one speedway bias - which I have never denied - and that is/was against Ole Olsen Read back if you will, the point was not that Woffinden is not entertaining, just that I find that there are more entertaining riders than him I've enjoyed watching him on-track, but there are riders I enjoy watching more That's not bias - just personal preference (and where would a forum like this be without personal preferences and opinions?)
  14. No I haven't! Over 50 years watching our wonderful sport, and I wouldn't class Woffinden as "one of the most entertaining riders" But it's just a personal opinion - each to their own! Good - yes (I remember a faultless 15pt maximum at Brandon a few years back) and on pretty damn good machinery too Marginally more entertaining than Hancock, but not in the same league as Rickardsson, Gollob, AJ, Emil, Nicki, Crump, Darcy Ward - even Bomber!
  15. I did read your post back and the main point appeared to be "I pay my money to be entertained on the track....not off it !" Your association is not questioned, although in 47 years you've not always had the bottom tier of racing - Hans Nielsen, Billy Sanders, Steve Bastable, the Grahame brothers, all spring to mind! Woffinden IS in the top class of riders, I don't disagree
  16. Sounds to me more like you want to be associated with a successful rider rather than "be entertained on the track" There's more entertaining riders than Woffinden, even if they are less successful There were more entertaining riders than Mauger and Olsen, but less successful There have been discussions on the forum regarding entertaining riders, and I doubt that "108" comes near the top Just my observation I concede, however, that you're entitled to your opinion - same as everyone
  17. Thanks for that. Not on "FB" so guess I won't see any
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