They're not running events throughout the year at one venue like a speedway promoter
Don't disagree with that except . . . . riders' costs HAVE to be reduced, in order to reduce promoters' costs, and ultimately reduce, or at least stabilise over a period, admission prices
Let them go, so we have a British League with riders committed 100% to riding here - like Josh Auty, etc
A team to identify with, week in week out, and into the succeeding seasons
Like in t' good old days
My ex-mother in law gave me her autograph book many years ago as it contained some autographs she'd obtained at Brandon when she used to go as a youngster
They turned out to be from 1930, and include Jack Parker, Squib Burton and . . . Tom Farndon!
Needless to say, it's a treasured possession - I wonder if it has any monetary value?
Two things Sir Shoutalot gets excited about:
We're entering tactical country
We're on for a last heat decider
Quite agree about the second one, but not the first - double points should be done away with, a return to the old tac sub rule and choice of gates
OK Sidney!
I've never known anyone collecting duplicate autographs, but I'll concede to you if folk do
Re Ole Olsen, I don't think I ever mentioned "team riding", other than to answer you by saying I have seen him team ride
I stand by my opinion that he was not a team player in the mould of Boocock or Harris
As for Gary Newbon - don't get me started!