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Midland Red

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Midland Red last won the day on June 19 2019

Midland Red had the most liked content!

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    Gold and black with fighting Bee

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  1. Great photos, as usual, but…. As usual, no caption, no identities provided. Not everyone knows who’s in your photos!
  2. I don’t think the CO was more than a director of MSS at the time that Blackbird Road was sold, ie he didn’t own MSS, that was the Sandersons.
  3. Looking for a mint copy of this!!!
  4. Planning latest, plus SCS critique - http://www.savecoventryspeedway.com/_mobile/news.php?extend.4264.1&fbclid=IwAR0R9bCNb83_TxAcFwgv_vyjWRyknTeDYsiqNtjUJ8b9_xEZczmQ43G0zVw
  5. Martin Smolinski rode for Coventry, despite the cathedral being in ruins
  6. I thought they had many more than two!!!
  7. Swindon Motorsports Ltd Four directors: George Albert Edwards, Clarke Anthony Osborne, Stephen Philip Park, Terence John Russell Issued Capital - 4 x £1 shares Shareholding: S P Park 1, Gaming International Ltd 2, T J Russell 1
  8. http://www.savecoventryspeedway.com/news.php?extend.4261
  9. https://www.rugby.gov.uk/download/meetings/id/3499/download_the_agenda
  10. I remember attending Brandon every Saturday night (stock cars excepted), to see the speedway racing I’d go most Tuesdays to Blackbird Road, to see the speedway I enjoyed Bees winning, I enjoyed visiting teams winning at Leicester, but really it didn’t matter, as I’d enjoy the action from the 13 heat match and the second half, which I always stayed for League, challenge, Midland Cup matches, plus World and Midland Championship qualifiers, Tests and other individual meetings This attitude doesn’t seem to prevail any longer, judging by the comments on BSF - all this b0llocks about play-offs, rider changes, with journeymen “team members” - fans identified with “their riders” season after season, now it’s hardly match after match Can’t remember many changes for the better since “the good old days”
  11. Also, why go when it’s televised or streamed?
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