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Everything posted by Triple.H.

  1. Looks like Toni Kasper on the right deffo Bo Brhel and the other guy could win a Joe Haines lookalike competition
  2. So Starke laid it down to get a rerun,its been going on since team speedway started and it aint going to stop.If one of your teams riders does it its tactical if its the opposition he's the biggest ******* etc in the world I remember all the Coventry fans thinking it was quality when their riders did it against the all conquering CHEETAHS
  3. Obviously we dont know how much rain the track has taken but reports of previous meetings say the track has a few bumps etc.So maybe more prudent to cancel than inexperienced riders falling,reruns etc with such a strict curfew in place.
  4. Have it on the friday night at Cardiff top 3 not counting any GP rider are the wildcard and reserves.
  5. Says in tbe article on Kents opening in last weeks Star tbat the PA on the bends has to be turned off to prevent potential complaints from some local homeowners.
  6. Jason Garrity could make Messrs Pearson and Tatum go wild with excitement if he rides like he normally does.
  7. Commonsense has no place on tbis forum in regard to the rules of tbe sport
  8. In the CAN DO job which i do tbat has notbing to do witb speedway or event presentation. Parking aint going to be a problem just open anotber field Pit areas could be provided by gazebos or marquees with removable sides.
  9. Well at least tbe toilets and PA meet all the BSPA requirements. I heard on the grapevine that the BSPA are trying to persuade the millenium stadium to turn the lights off ,flood the floors and hide the toilet rolls in the ladies to give the fans an authentic British speedway experience.
  10. There is a bar outside the stadium doubt they would have the test match on long time since i've been to Prague there is an Irish bar on Old town square that did have sky,and guinness and tia maria as a winter warmer.
  11. BIG FAIL for the Peterborough supposed fountain of knowledge
  12. and i thought you didnt have any mates judging by the amount of time you spend on this forum posting mindless drivel
  13. From what i have read about this incident from people who were actually there and the tweeted then deleted post a ban would be well in order,more of a worry is if the local constabulary get involved. Which they surely would if someone made a complaint that could make for some very unwanted publicity for the sport in the media.
  14. From what i remember at a fans forum at which Tony Steele spoke the rules dont say anyone has to be excluded admittedly that may have changed over the years but i have seen a race rerun after a dingdong on the 3rd lap in a league meeting and all 4 restart.Referees verdict was along the lines of six of one half a dozen of the other.
  15. Can you bring some sunshine withyou please Fairly sure Tai Woffinden was selling merchandise on his website think he also advertised it on twitter if your on twitter it may be worth a tweet for info or gear may be available from the Wolves track shop.maybe email the club. I think Darcy Ward may have a deal with LKI for merchandise who are an Aussie firm as far as i know so might get it over there.
  16. I wouldn't have thought Rye House were big payers but i bet the riders get paid their money on the dot,plus Mr Silver and his son have plenty of knowledge to pass on to a rider keen to take it on board. A track you can practice on almost always available and riders seem to be very loyal to the team/promotor.
  17. IMO Robert Mear needs far more meetings than he can get in the EL alone to keep himself sharp.maybe temporary cover for Jason Bunyan could work out for both parties if the averages fit.
  18. Less delays during meetings 2nd halfs at every track preferably along the lines of the old style vulture races with a rider of the night event Whoops forgot to mention a bit of PIZZAZ would be great
  19. Sure that i read that its a Scottisb guy who runs a coach from Cardiff to Zummerset leaving around 4ish.
  20. Think from memory its a Monarchs supporter,though if its a Tigers man i apologise for tarring him with the wrong team.Fairly sure one of the Scottish posters will be able to confirm.
  21. Jason Garrity IMO could certainly ruffle a fair few feathers in the U21 rounds in Europe must be a forward looking sponsor out there who could fund a trip or two.
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