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P T Preece

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P T Preece last won the day on October 27 2014

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    out there

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  1. Shouldent Poole be in the championship thread?
  2. Hopeing he gets going real quick, sounds a good propsect.
  3. Wouldent mind Vuolas, looked good last season.
  4. Your right , theres not a lot to do around the stadium and I would think parking is going to be a problem as well, as for hotels there is a premier inn not to far away and a direct bus route to the stadium. KFC not to far away and a Mcdonalds I think, its not like going to cardiff where there is a lot going on the entertain the visitors.
  5. Why do people keep trying to steer us to sign riders who are well past there sell by date. We had that rubbish last season when we were promised a team that would get us into the play offs and look what happened there.
  6. thank you, in solihuul and pouring down here.
  7. Looked at the website and couldent find the information I needed, my brother and I are planing to go on sunday for the under 19s. The weather forcast for sunday isnt that great, does anybody know if you can get a ticket on the door with a credit card?
  8. Clicked on the link but wont show me anything ,you need permission.
  9. Thats interesting news, its up to Nigel now, lots of ifs and butts to consider.
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