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Everything posted by TheScotsman

  1. Bring your 5k along MF. Or do you want to increase the stake?
  2. A draw will do though. Can only be instead of Jacobs or Perks though.
  3. Yeah I would do that. So would that include the bangers/stocks?
  4. I would do a tenner for a one-off. Maybe 15 if they provide cushions and a kettle!!
  5. He's going to be team manager for one of the teams!!
  6. Blooming heck the price goes up every time you post!!
  7. Current team might just about win that. Close call though!!
  8. Ah that's a bit different!! But a fiver for a special one-off night might be ok.
  9. Blooming heck - cast of thousands there. And most of them not on the injured list!! Should be able to get a decent meeting from that lot.
  10. Deffo good value if that's all the add-on cost is. And presumably you get to hear what the Presenter is saying?!! I would be up for it.
  11. I was wondering about on the flat too. Could get SuperBlue along as well in that case. He certainly doesn't need to bring food. Just both legs if he's still got them!!
  12. Trouble is it's a results business. And good team spirit often brings the best results. And constant staff turnover doesn't do much for team spirit. It's a bit like having constant guest riders.
  13. Where is the buffet going to be? Usual seats in the back street scaffolding? 1st bend beside SuperBlue? VIP box? Or??
  14. Perhaps a challenge match against everyone else who has been in your 1-7 this season. Could nearly have a 4 team tournament!!
  15. Well done cleggy - good confidence booster ahead of ippo in the playoff!
  16. Get your arse over to foxholes tomorrow macca. I'll get you in and there'll be so much to eat there'll be no time to watch the racing.
  17. Buy online up to the night before then and get it cheaper. Not rocket science. Or just keep whingeing.
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