I'm surprised at you suggesting he should be hung, drawn and quartered.
I wouldn't have gone quite that far myself.
But Ippo haven't suffered too much from it all.
Tungate hasn't.
Scunny have.
Auty has.
Do you seriously think Greenwood would have scored any points last night?
Did you not see him last week - quarter of a lap behind.
At least Coles got out of the gate well a couple of times and was in front of other riders for a while.
Ippo still gain though.
Tungate scored points after heat 10 to give them the win and they'll have guests to replace him in the league matches.
Only in the 4's will they lose out.
For God's sake Ippo followers accept it and move on.
You are starting to sound a bit petulant now.
You will be stronger without him anyway.
I noticed Spud Summers raced back to the pits tonight when he beat Tungate - no slowing down for him!
So you are now the censorship police?
What a dick.
Didn't know you were at Armadale when Baby Bjerre was there?
Was it a good meeting?
Seen the video yet?
I seem to remember all Monarchs supporters saying Sam was bang out of order and probably should have been kicked out of the meeting.
But the thread is not about Masters - it's about Tungate wiping out Auty.
Stick to your original comments - should have been thrown out of the meeting at least.
My eyesight is fine thank you - maybe you need to watch it on a bigger screen - or maybe your 56k dial up connection is bit lumpy.
I assume broadband hasn't reached your part of Suffolk yet.
It may be possible it was a kind of accident in that he aimed his bike at Auty deliberately and at speed and got it wrong and totally wiped him out from behind causing serious injury.