This was when Lawson was on the podcast as the guest and he was asked about leaving KL. He seemed to indicate the travelling between KL and Poole for home meetings was too much.
That's what I meant about Bagpuss not liking it. Depends if Oxford want him to have track time there I suppose. Chances are it will be a Brum rider anyway.
Interestingly, Bowtell and Atkins have exactly same average as Rowe, or you could have Nielsen or Starke who are slightly lower.
Although @Bagpuss won't like it if we have Atkins as a guest
No Fridays free before cut off date (unless we both don't do the pairs and do it then?!)
Or double header?
Or different race night?
The main thing being that the photographer/cameraman is okay. So if that means we don't get the meeting in before the cut off so be it. It has happened before, especially to KL I have found over the years.