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Everything posted by LisaColette

  1. Is that the polite version! Says on Poole site he's been given the medical all clear to ride tomorrow! 👍
  2. Oh please, look at the agg scores from the league meetings..
  3. I would like something more reliable than 'a good source told me...'
  4. It has already been said it wasn't life threatening. I will say I was wrong and as for apologising to Coventry fans, pah!! No thanks.
  5. Plus Howarth scored at Poole so I'm sure Dak would have!
  6. Or you can prove it's a hand injury?Anyone can say a good source told me...
  7. He tells us what we want to hear and is very good in the media. It's very difficult to go against that if he's in charge of the club you support. As a Poole fan you can question if his decisions are in the best interests of speedway as a whole but he is a good promoter especially compared to people like Horton! I get why fans of other clubs have a problem with him, I really do. I stick by my comments but I do get your POV.
  8. Maybe I went to Poole long before Ford took over, he has improved the club loads Imo, so find it hard to hold too much against him. For example during Euro 96 when England played Germany there was like 100/150 in the grandstand it was like a ghost town. That wouldn't happen now with the core base being 1500. 👍 Yes he can be ruthless in decisions but most good business men are and yeah he puts Poole first but at least we don't get walked over I guess!
  9. Trouble is if people attack your club, your natural instinct is to defend it. If people stop attacking there is no need to defend, so it works both ways.
  10. They will still be going on about it in March!
  11. I'm not excluding Starman from this. Jealousy is an opinion not really name calling. I'll give you the other ones though. I just don't get why people have to resort to name calling, I feel like calling certain people lots of names on here but I keep it in check!
  12. No excuses. The name calling is plain to see. Attack the post and debate without it, not exactly hard is it?
  13. Yeah okay then.I have no problem with BV winning it. The only team I want Poole to smash is Coventry and that's been done so I'm pretty happy 👍
  14. Oh dear god! Heard it all now. His dad is in hospital. Proof enough.
  15. Wow. So Dak isn't allowed to play golf or go out with his friends?Is he allowed to eat? Go to the toilet? Better sent him a list eh...
  16. You singled someone out for how they write their posts and use against them. Please show me where I have done that? Yeah, thought not! 😂
  17. As in admission price? £20 Do you not get bored of saying the same thing over and over and over...
  18. To what? "Everyone hates us & we don't give a shh..."
  19. But have they advertised on the barrier that lets you out of a multi storey car park? 😉
  20. Only Coventry that charged more. The only time I've known someone charge more for a semi.
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