Tbh the stuff about more people at the Darcy function than at BV, Middlo said that at the Darcy function, but he was referring to the PO final 1st leg BV crowd. Can't believe Starman is taking credit for that comment!!
Dudek has said he won't start the season in UK, probably just cover for injuries. But England would be at bottom of his list so I would worry about him turning up!
He has been professional when he rode for Poole. Eastbourne he seemed to be professional too but he did seem to have problems with the Brum management.
They have just listed three as far as I can see. But if more than three then fair enough.
Would they not of known about these fixture clashes a while ago?
Poor Bjarne. Don't Poole have between 1-3 fixture clashes with Hans and we haven't dropped him, so agree that there is probably another reason as well.
The ELRC is nothing but a pain in the bum IMO!! Feel sorry for anyone staging it, if it's not the weather being a problem, then it's riders dropping out.
Agree to a certain extent. Need to get 4 of them to practice together to have proper races to get proper grips of the track!
However riders like Watt who did not like the old BV track are going to be looking forward to riding the new one, so can't talk themselves out of doing well!
First time since 1999 probably!
Barker signed as a no1?? Oh, i don't know it might work. Other riders will be too scared to overtake him as you never know what he is going to do. Like a British Milik!
I really hope this happens. But having watched speedway since I was 11, i know not to believe anything until it is phyiscally being built. Hope you can get a lot of people behind it so there is a demand for it to happen. Poole vs Coventry meetings are the first ones I look for on the fixture list so have my fingers crossed for you.