Oh dear. I am just debating a point. I think I have done it quite well. I haven't slagged BV off and made insults like you are doing. Maybe I will next time if that is your level.
The whole point is a BV fan, saying BV is the cheapest. It isn't. Other clubs have charged the same. Well done BV for not being one of the most expensive anymore! 👏👏👏
£23 is a big jump from £17. Well it is to me, maybe I'm just broke!! People must be loaded up North. Well anyway, not ever likely that I will be at BV so at least I won't feel hard done by for wanting to sit down!
Some clubs didn't charge as much as £18 last season in the first place! If it was a couple of pounds cheaper that would be fair enough but £6!! For that the seats need to be like the pricey ones at the cinemas.
He has been excluded at Poole for unfair riding and nobody fell off!! One of the few times I have seen a ref do that. Had enough of Starman trying to dictate what people can/can't say or who to. Don't you start, one person doing it is more than enough! 😩
No, you should write what you want to. It is a bit much sometimes. You remind me of Joey Essex, half the time you are thinking are they really like that or is it just an act.