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Everything posted by LisaColette

  1. SS think you should change your prediction. No way are Coventry having a point. Who is their no8?
  2. Who knows! Saw his statement earlier and wasn't in that.
  3. Maybe the Darcy situation is still affecting him? Added to that he hasn't got as many meetings as last year I'm guessing.
  4. Oh dear Swindon. Not very good sportsmanship is it?? Anyway well done to Wolves on their win
  5. It is never time for tshirts and shorts at that stadium! Brrr ❄
  6. They obviously have a soft spot for him But as weak as the league is, Billy prob not up to the standard of competition having been away from the UK for so long. If it was a PL place he might be okay.
  7. I'm definitely not looking. I'll never get any sleep! Poor guy.
  8. 4-6 weeks, maybe up to 8. Depends how bad the break is. I'm guessing it is pretty bad judging by the reactions to the photo posted, which I won't be looking at as I hate sight of blood/broken bones. Speedy recovery to both riders.
  9. Think I would have put Tungate in H15 instead of Morris, more likely to nick a point on that track.
  10. If you have had enough if it, then take a little break cos posters talking about Poole's past situations is a 24/7 thing! If it winds you up, it is not the place to be
  11. If it was Starman there would be way more spelling mistakes! Plus these posts are quite aggressive (to me anyway!)
  12. He is joking! Are we not allowed to have a sense of humour!! Not like we can control what Matt does is it?
  13. Pretty sure Poole isn't his club! Looks like you've been adopted Gavan 😂
  14. Depends if you think he can increase it or not, bet Leicester would
  15. I'm not sure but think Skidder means if their average is based on them riding in just the 1-5 as people have said it is updated monthly, then even it us 7 then they will have proved themselves in that position.
  16. Oooh I wonder what was there before it was edited!!! Did I hit a nerve...
  17. If Chris Harris became WC?? Let's keep it slightly realistic shall we! 😂 The only people that should have a problem with Poole not keeping Loram is Poole fans. Why is a Coventry fan so bothered, it's bizarre quite frankly. You are more obsessed with Matt than Starman is and that is saying something. Maybe spend more time trying to help save the club you support and less time searching for articles to support your anti-Poole crap. Just a thought.
  18. I'd forgotten about a lot of those! My memory isn't as it was I tend to give Ford the benefit of the doubt cos I went to Poole before he took over, so know what a massive difference it is. I agree that his decisions tend to be what's best for Poole not necessarily the league as a whole.
  19. Phil that is definitely not KKS!!! When on the rare occasions I go he is in our group near the startline or off taking photos
  20. I think a track should be waterlogged before it's called off but can understand early decisions as can cost away fans and clubs a lot of money to wait and see.
  21. You are the one who makes it personal! Gavan does too sometimes but only cos you antagonize him.
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