I feel this way too. I'm trying to remember a race with him in it to form an opinion, even the ones from Monday night I can't really remember, oh apart from Bjarne passing him, I remember that!
Now that is interesting. Matt has a go at riders for moaning and underperforming but according to someone else Middlo is supposedly blaming the track staff.
Holder better watch his back cos otherwise he'll be out and Dudek will be in!! 😂
Tbh only matters what their average is at Coventry as that is where Freddie will be riding! Did alright guesting for Holder there and that was when Holder was riding at 1 (I think!)
Holder has said all UK tracks are crap so may be a different rider would be better!
Has moaned all season, so just the eight weeks then?!! Lol. As I said riders liked it last season, so they just have to go back to that.
But not as bad as the other night though Imo.Silly thing is it was getting better last year and even opposing riders said it was better. So what happened?
Everything you have just said is negative, none of it is constructive criticism!! The track is bad for one meeting and you act like it has been bad since the dawn of time. As I have said before if it has been this bad for ages then we would have a team like Leicester, no one would want to ride for us! But you are going over the top.
Okay, why did Leigh Adams choose Poole over BV when BV offered him more money? Maybe it was cos of the race night but track would have to be half decent for him to accept to ride for Poole.