Only thing about that is he will be told to reproduce that form next week seeing as he only got 4 against Somerset, otherwise he may have words in his ear!
Piratecast said to gloat on their behalf so....
We were right you were wrong, ha ha ha ha *blows raspberry*
Oh and they definitely know the difference between Lykke and KK!
Well Gater1 be prepared to be annoyed, says in Echo 'unlikely to be any changes' Seems Matt is waiting for GP riders to make themselves available!! Not gonna happen..
Next time follow the Poole twitter They've moaned enough in the past, plus Skidder said when the promoter was away (as in Matt). So if they moan about the track when he's away they are obv scared of him!
With hindsight you would have put Richie there, but he doubled his score to what I thought it would be. I said yesterday I would have put Jack there, that wouldn't have done much better!
Might be on a proper holiday (not an enforced one!) seeing as it is the school holidays now. Maybe being nicey nicey didn't work! Some riders do better when they get a kick up the ****.