Maybe you should have then you would have known what the conversion rate is lol. But the time taken with the VAR decision was prob a big talking point!
Regarding Anders, you will have to read between these lines from a Bournemouth Echo article yesterday.
'We had to adapt to an opportunity that was presented to us and one that we feel would put the club in a stronger position for next year.'
Yes, it was a joke in relation to Jaizer saying Glasgow don't take risks with assessed riders, they let others do that and sign them further down the line when they are more established.
Seems he was in and now out. Wonder who they have changed him for? Like the riders are announcing it themselves though! Haha. Did Dan Ford agree to this announcement
I get that but it wasn't a leading question so maybe he genuinely thinks it? I think most riders would say Glasgow is a great club with the set up there. Though I only see it from the outside.
Average a bit under 8, like 7.84 or something similar so think it will be a bargain in a 38 point limit.
That reel is interesting. 'mutual' decision and 'one great club to another great club.' So could be Glasgow or could well be Edinburgh with good memories there.
I think it would be the most likely if it is true about the reserves being Hagon and Perry. @Diamonds85said it was too top heavy but so was Oxford this year and they were top for most of it!