Guests? It's not like someone just backtracked themselves out of a team, he is injured. Surely if there was a viable option it would have been done by now.
Who else is there though? Plymouth have depth to their reserves and second strings. So prob don't need an out and out No1. Just someone who can get 7-8 points a meeting?
Yeah I didn't read the middle bit. Just the first sentence! But you wanted me to say if anyone was making him out to be a HL. I did that based HLs averages at other clubs. Newman a HL next season, average under 6! If anyone predicting anyone to have a 6+ average then they looking at HL material.
6+ is a HL next year in this weak league as you have JJ on less than that as 3rd HL!
Wake me up when you finish gaslighting. I proved I told the truth. You said no one compared him to Darcy, a Brum fan did, I quoted it. The end.
See told ya!! Even with 2 of you trying to gaslight me. Did he even put points on his average? Isn't it similar? Fans put too much pressure on him like they did with BK back in the day.
Thanks for confirming Saves me looking up things from 2 years ago. Also think there was one Brum fan on here who said he was potentially going to be as good as Darcy but think that was to do with age more than anything.
In that meeting he struggled at Poole a lot imo (when others were saying he was the next Darcy when he came over). Don't see how that is untruthful or hard to understand.
Lol. I'm surprised a KL fan brought that year up in the first place tbh. Also had the guest issue of both teams wanting to have the same one. So we had to settle for Nick Morris, though not sure if his average completely fit!