Yeah not sure why the massive delay as there is no Bournemouth football news, so would be the ideal time for the local paper to do announcements. Makes me think some plans have changed. Maybe similar to what Redcar had when riders changed their minds.?
Be fun to watch though!
Yeah exactly. The only thing about Rew is he is based in Poland so not sure how high on his priority list the UK is. Am assuming Tate would be based over here?
Yeah maybe. So....
1. Worrall 8.05
2. Zach 4.92
3. Ben 6.09
4. Dan Thompson 5.09
5. Lawson 7.97
6. Jack Thomas 4.78
7. Ablitt 2.00
So 1.10 under. But I guess you don't have to use up all the points!
Going off the 'aussie ex-pirate in for shock recall' thing. Batch rode for Poole in 2007!
1. Worrall 8.05
2. Z.Cook 4.92
3. Batch 7.29
4. B.Cook 6.09
5. Lawson 7.97
6. Roynon 3.47
7. Ablitt 2.00 (just to keep @foreverblue happy!)
Keeps Ben Cook as SS so that can't be a bad thing.
I don't think you really get out and out no1's anymore. Back in the day in top league you would have majority of GP stars so definitely had them.
Personally I would class anyone with 9+ average as an out and out No1, but not many of them it seems!
Yes well we know it isn't Steve, Lawson, Ben, Zach, Thomas, Newman and Roynon. As a couple of people have said that is wrong. Plus according to a Redcar fan Kyle said he wouldn't be fit for start of the season. So must be someone else.
Rather have Batch tbh
Average would be over 11 though Also in local newspaper article he said he would be happy to come back if we moved back up into the Prem. So unlikely in the Champ, unfortunately.
Will be interesting to see how they do for sure! Looks like our rein of trophies might be over and going to a northern team like Redcar or Glasgow next year
I'd say keep him waiting as I suppose it could still be a different rider like Howarth! Unless he has opted out of Champ. I know he said he wanted to ride abroad more next season.
No I don't. Nor do I base opinions on Championship riders on NL averages! Different league, mostly different tracks. Nathan has had a season in Champ so maybe base his performance on those meetings!
Yes but this is the Champ and he rode for BV in NL, so not really home advantage. Have seen Nathan beat Starke, James Sarjaent at Edinburgh twice, Ben Morley at Plymouth and Bailey at Poole twice. Sure there are others but those are the ones that I remember the most.