Hopefully I will at some point. Yes, I have experience of the north being more friendlier than the south!
Oh and can add Weymouth to my list as well. Keep remembering these former tracks I have been to!
Haha, if only just to annoy Gazc and Tyretrax . Though maybe not when Poole are there as I will be convincing them it is opposite day! (I was made to watch belgua YT yesterday so got opposite day from there lol)
Nicki and Chris have ridden together in Sweden a few seasons ago I believe. So can't see any reason why they wouldn't again and had photo together at Cardiff last year too! Think a few of the legends were in the same hospitality room. A few of them filmed a bit of it and was on their Instagram stories and all seemed happy enough to be together!
Zach was good. Had a bit of a blip in June but apart from that..
Might take a month to settle in. So prob get higher scores away from home. But he seems to pick things up relatively quickly so should be fine and he rode for Plymouth, can't get smaller than that! And also has been to Edinburgh.
Did drop off at the end. I think the 5 point average doesn't help especially if they don't think he will improve it.
Nathan not coming back is a shame though as I would have liked to see how he would have done against the other two pointers. Guess I'll have to take an interest in the NL and look it at that way.
Who needs coffee at speedway? Unless you are having trouble staying awake!!
The best food I have had is from a former track, Rye House. Lakeside wasn't bad either. I am not really helping with the Championship food thing am I? Lol.