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Everything posted by LisaColette

  1. Maybe he is trying to get sacked and then sign for someone else! Basso been screwed over by whichever Champ promoters decided not to do 2H and 2A. As he wasn't going to do Prem if that went ahead.
  2. Strangely enough I don't agree! In the Champ he has been doing well home and away. Covering well for Steve Worrall's lack of form atm. Basso is more of a concern as he has been doing very well for Glasgow, so it is strange he is struggling for Peterborough so much.
  3. And wasn't he at the practice day thing where Jack Thomas got injured.
  4. Well we are missing the big elephant in the room here!..... ..... Cook is also a Poole rider and we know Gavan has issue with them! I bet he is secretly gutted that Cook got as many as 6!
  5. If he does that, it is a bonus. First job is to beat opposing teams reserves. One of the second strings wasn't there so that only leaves Rew really. Any away reserve will do well to beat anyone in Ipswich top 5 around Foxhall.
  6. Is all a reserve is meant to do! You seem to expect him to be a HL at reserve, which is ridiculous when first year in the Prem.
  7. Cook beat both Ippo reserves during the meeting which is his job (going by updates!)
  8. How is that going to help. At least Ben Cook has Poole to fall back onto, so shouldn't lose too much confidence.
  9. Says 5+3 so makes it 6+2? Unless there any other mistakes I haven't noticed! lol
  10. Not watching the stream. On updates for H8 it says Cook 2nd and Andersen 3rd. But on score chart it has given Andersen 2 and Cook 1?
  11. Wasn't he helping Birmingham to fix their issues with their track last season?
  12. Interesting spelling there!
  13. Hail by any chance? Doyle has been filming it from the safety of his car on Instagram
  14. Riss has done a meeting for Ipswich though? That seems to be the key detail into getting a facility for a long time!
  15. Although Chris Holder would still have picked up an injury, so would still need a replacement? Just not as early.
  16. Well he will lose money from the crowd levels going down the longer there is no replacement. So it really depends on which situation do you lose the most money?
  17. Yeah, I either heard it mentioned on the podcast or Christina Turnbull interview. I guess they think it is unfair that you can watch a replay at Poole and potentially change your decision and not have the same option at Glasgow, for instance. It could change the league table in theory. Although that was last season it might have changed for this season! Especially as only 3 teams don't stream? Oxford, Glasgow and Berwick?
  18. Yeah, watching it back seemed it be. Normally refs aren't allowed to watch replay of a stream for league meetings as not every club provides it but not sure if it is different in a challenge meeting.
  19. https://www.instagram.com/p/CsF46rWtntH/?igshid=NjZiM2M3MzIxNA== I assume it is a typo and not changed back to 19th?!
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