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lisa-colette last won the day on March 18

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About lisa-colette

  • Birthday 06/04/1982

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  1. I'd try and hang on to Sam Hagon if he wanted to stay as will only improve imo.
  2. If you want to share out top riders equally then that is the only way to do it imo.
  3. In my experience watching the playoffs it is very hard to pull a lead back. Even 8 points can be challenging. It is just different to normal league aggregate meetings. BV know they can just sit on 3-3s and frustrate Sheffield and then they over try and potentially get excluded from crashing or causing them etc.
  4. Didn't he get 7 which was OK I thought. Don't blame us! He was just as bad at Poole, i think there was a time when he was swearing at MF in an argument. He just hasn't changed at all. Although I don't remember any problems with fans. Considering he has a child now you would think he would be nicer to other people's.
  5. No, if it got called off you still need to knock us out first 🤦‍♀️😉
  6. Be interesting if it did get called off as Tom Brennan has been called up to do SEC next Saturday!
  7. And Dickson said at Lawson's testimonial that he wants him at Leicester next year.
  8. Or Sheffield have said 'no guesting'. I'd go for Bomber, the playoffs wouldn't be the same without him!
  9. It was a few years ago on the Poole stream, I think it was Cami that said that he didn't want it going to 14-16 points, as it prob too much to make up. Also Middlo has said in the past keep it within 10, no more than that.
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