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Everything posted by thehammer

  1. Sweet another Bees fan from down under.... have to try and catch up?
  2. Good news BFD... be good to meet ya. On a positive note, since putting it on my facebook status I've since foudn 2 others that I know through Football over here that are interested and thinking of going up. 1 guy used to go to Newcastle for about 30 years before he moved to Christchurch, and having been a few times over here he's looking forward to going again. If we support it and make it a success we can then hopefully get more over here ... just waiting for tickets to go on sale, accomodation is sorted, and need some Jetstar deals for March
  3. Definately.... Likely to be around 12 hours difference in terms of times by then (depending on Daylight saving changes)
  4. I for one will be there now..... Persuaded the other half to have her 21st Party the weekend before so we can fly up from CHCH (Christchurch!!! lol - and the CH is repeated cuz if you notice it starts and ends with those letters!!!!)and also take her to her 1st GP (got her hooked back in June when we went to Brandon on our trip over ) I know it will have an impact on the leagues in Europe but it will be great to get to see a Live GP somewhere other than Cardiff, will also be good to catch up with some other Speedway fans this side of the world... Hopefully BFD makes it over. I'm sure there will be a good number from the Moore Park lot coming up, and at that time of the year, although having moved into Autumn it is still usually good weather (and North Island is generally better than South too) I'm excited now... just need to find out the Wild Cards for the series so I know who to support (a brit would be good).
  5. Unfortunately I won't be about as the Football season now started and I'm coaching for 3 teams as well as playing... but hopefully next year will catch up with ya
  6. Totally agree Kiwi.... People always try to knock things, and until they're given a go you never know if it will work. I've already told the misses she may get a trip up to go and stay at her Aunt and Uncle's near Auckland next year for a weekend as I'll be making my way to the speedway Would be good to meet some New Zealand fans like yourself too.... I know enough from England... I need more over here
  7. Definately Philip.... I for one would make the trip up from Christchurch, and there would be plenty of others that I've met at Moore Park who would do the same. I also know of a few in the UK that have talked about coming over should there be one.... a good excuse for them to finally come see me again too, although I think my house may get a bit full!
  8. BFD, that is definately one of the big problems in NZ at the moment. The Earthquake here in CHCH has had a huge impact on the economy and will continue to do so for many years. Lets just hope the Rugby World Cup is a success and then it may go some way towards helping
  9. Be good if it does happen, means I'll be making a trip up to North Island
  10. I was in the box helping do the scores and it was definatly 24-12..... there may just have been a slight mistake as previously pointed out as Mason and Bargh only scored 1 between them (when Mason beat Bargh!)
  11. I'll put the full race results and some info on some of the races on here when I get the time... Was certainly a good meeting, and yes Andy Aldridge would have done better in the NZ team, but as with most speedway there are some politics behind it as well as cost......
  12. May not be fully related to this, but then neither are half these posts..... but Steve you may want to check your facts.... You now get disqualified for jumping the gun once .... So if this is the case you may want to have a go at teams that announced signings before the AGM too..... i.e Swindon with Stead, plus a few others
  13. Hope you can get some good interest as would be great to see some good action over here
  14. And the question is what will they do about the fact that the British Number 1 is not top of the Bees averages and so wouldn't be invited
  15. A weekend when the sunshines.... nope hang on we may have to wait a while in NZ!
  16. Any excuse to come visit me for longer!!!! Think my house could end up quite full for all the NZ stuff though!
  17. I heard the PA perfectly fine... maybe being sober helped for once... only problem with it all was where was the last heat time hehe Kind of forgot that hen reading out the result!
  18. Your way is perfectly fine with me.... I'm just trying to say make the emphasis on the riders not qualifying from the series having to qualify through the qualifiers if they want to be back in it rather than rely on handouts. How about to really shake it up..... Only the Champion gets seeded through... everyone else has to prove they deserve to be in it
  19. I agree with you mate regarding the fact that riders should earn there place and not be given Wild Cards.... but as I posted previous Lindgren & Harris were the next 2 inline from the GP Qualifiers and so by the fact they at least made the effort to do the qualifiers then they deserve their places in this years line up. Any other rider that finished outside the top 8 had the chance to go through the qualifiers, many just chose to ignore them! Maybe if the FIM created a rule whereby say top 10 stay in each year, 4 from the qualifiers, the 1 National wild card per event, then there is 1 permanent Wild Card only (which can be used by the FIM for if a rider has missed out on top 10 due to serious injury), then we wouldn't have this problem! If riders in the series want to be in it the next season then they need to do the qualifiers or else risk missing out (some just know they will get the easy way out at the moment)
  20. I understand your point and in a way agree, but if you then went as far as awarding the wild cards to the next ones in the Grand Prix Challenge you come to....... Freddie Lindgren & Chris Harris .... so they at least went the way of trying to qualify (as they have this season) and in a way deserve to be back in on that basis. If a rider finishes outside top 8 they should not be awarded place back in. If they want to requalify they should have gone through qualifiers... only fair way.... and it shouldn't matter on nationality
  21. you forgot to add asses into your interests!

  22. Just hope an Oz one is somewhere with easy access from Christchurch and cheap on Easy Jet
  23. I'm delighted if this is gonna happen... A trip up to North Island is on the cards it seems (and if as planned the OZ GP is done week before or week after I'll hopefully do that one too )
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