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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Historically Poole were your typical friendly family club promoted by the Foote family if I recall correctly Won the league in 1969 with a team of league of nations' riders but didn't do a lot for speedway in general as their record of producing their own local talent was poor - local boy John Davis lasted a year before he was rejected at 17 I think.
  2. I know this is a Premier thread but count up the number of British riders (exc Reserves) who now ride in the Elite then Take out the doublers and the number is pitiful so something needs doing. We did the Reserve Brit thing in 2006 and as soon as Steve Boxall got to a 7 average Rye were told to move him into the team. The Premier is a stronger league these days so this shouldn't happen - unless the race format is changed.
  3. Good point but maybe Lambert will be more settled and NBJ will be too old for the under 21 series. I said before that Robert should have taken Tai's example and ride for fun in the PL and worry about chasing big bucks In EL and abroad when he's a little older. Something else Lewis Bridger never did as well
  4. Are they the same tyres supplied in all countries now?
  5. If Lambert were to ride in 2016 then I can't see NBJ resigning far too many meetings missed this season.
  6. What I keep thinking if it's Silvers last year as stated. An off the cuff comment I heard about Go Karts raised its head again!
  7. As much as I respect the 2 Swedes they haven't been anywhere near good enough to replace Garrity and Nelson. Results would have been far different in my opinion.
  8. I doubt you will see him next season either at this rate. The boy is 17 and seems to get a lot of stick and I wonder if he is being managed correctly. I watched him at Rye on Saturday and couldn't help thinking this is another Tai Woffenden in the making but he is taking a rather Painful and controversial route. Tai rode at the same age and just wanted to have fun riding just in the Premier with no pressure Surely this is better for everybody and especially Robert as his time will no doubt come.
  9. There hasn't been a new track in Essex since.....Lakeside some 30 years ago Any available land will be housing first due to the high land values and planning restrictions. We could have a whole new league set up by combining the EL and PL (get rid of the doubling up and far less guests) and regionalise it then have North and South playoffs!
  10. Didn't Len announce that this would be his last season as a promoter? Both Swedes seem down on confidence and using 20 plus guests so far doesn't seem to be helping.
  11. Many years ago a rider named Dave Jessup dropped down a league - I dare say it was as much financial and Personal business - riders need to consider their future so mixing riding with a full time job is a necessity. It must be that if a rider wants to continue his career as a rider then he finds the best level where he Feels he can do a job. It shouldn't be used just as a way of picking up easy money either but as we know in Speedway a promotion will Always want a big name to front their team and you can't blame a promoter for trying to find the best available.
  12. Why not Robert Lambert -if good enough for Tai then young Robert might get some much needed UK Speedway Exposure!
  13. If a promotion paid £75 a point they would need £6750 plus for points money A crowd of 600 paying £15 entrance would achieve £9k before expenses and programme sales. Paying riders 'premier league football' wages when crowds are 'non league' size is unsustainable.
  14. When rider control was done away with there were not many saying it was a loss. What it did do was keep teams even when there was a dearth of talent around, we now need Something like it back otherwise the demise of some tracks will hasten in the current climate of Cost cutting Speedway.
  15. Kennett was the real disappointment last night - he struggled to keep on the pace mind you so did most of the Rye team!! End of season can't come quick enough and then we have the winter to speculate.
  16. Pretty straight forward for Edbra - Cook Masters Sedgeman Fricke get 12 points each -game over
  17. The investment in the air fence and the major work on the terracing wouldn't seem worth it if Len calls It a day after 2015 - does it? His long term investment in Rye is reported to be seven figures so where would the business sense be to walk away from it.
  18. We also have up coming 'double headers' where teams ride against each other twice on the same night. Please put an end to this so called Elite league - as there are clearly not enough riders to supply One league let alone the premier as well.
  19. Not necessarily. The new Div 2 teams were an opportunity for many grass track riders to take up speedway
  20. Somerset on fire last night Brady 3 x sub 56 sec races untouchable I wonder when Mr Ford will be making a bid for him?
  21. Not bad luck Rye and Kent are both woefully understrength !
  22. Absolute rubbish!!! A few weeks ago an away reserve scored a paid maximum (Stark) and hardly a world beater but shows that this team simply isn't strong enough - the one heat leader and 6 reserve experiment has failed miserably and now reaping the results now seen. - plus Tres disappearing every other week is a mind boggling signing by this promotion!
  23. Silver isn't getting any younger so is he really going to see out his time as a promoter with A team that is now so weak the paying public will not support it. His 'my way or the highway' stubborn attitude is now turning me off from going as paying to see home riders Out of their depth is too embarrassing. . Come clean Len Silver and tell us why you are destroying a great club??
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