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Speedy swindon pete

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Everything posted by Speedy swindon pete

  1. Hmm, new National Speedway stadium?? famous for its flat out boring racing.... Leszno, never seen a decent race there.... Yeah, i'd much rather watch riders wobble round Beaumont Park....
  2. Crikey. Not going to revel in that win. Comiserations to Leicester. Hope all the boys from both sides are alright. Get out of jail for Rosco and some dodgy tactical picks there. Lucky Jim Lynch was his opposite number tonight. 2 and 4 in heat 15? What a loony.
  3. If Zach is the only rider that can replace batch (if need be) in this last heat, it would be the cherry on the top of this car crash / meeting Edit: Phew - cherry avoided. Still a completely bonkers meeting.
  4. Regardless of the result...a good meeting but for all the wrong reasons, tonight. Good god. Unbelievable.
  5. Are people actually watching or just shouting obliviously? Yeah it wasn't great awareness from Riss, but the pole was behind his shoulder all the way round the bend when Riss was drifting out wide. And in no way did Riss "fence" the rider either. Theres a couple more metres of track on the outside of them. The crash was caused by Pawel being unsettled and hitting a wall of dirt. If that was as slick as the rest of the track out there he would have just had to pull a locker and probably gone backwards. Instead he was up on the back wheel before he had a chance to react, flying into the fence.
  6. More evidence of how the bikes react going from slick to deep dirt at Leicester on the TV tonight.
  7. Nothing wrong with what he did. Still plenty of room out there, whether it was an oppo rider or a team mate. The problem is the massive dirt like that's built up, hit it wrong and you're off. Two laps on the trot it's happened!
  8. 6-3 and a 5-1....8-1 and 3-3....same net result. You just make sure your TR ride wins the race.
  9. How do you make a track so wide yet it still only have one line to ride on?
  10. Typically insipid reffing from match officials once again. Why bother actually looking closely at the replays when you can make a half arsed guess after a quick glance?
  11. From anecdotal evidence from the riders when the new silencers came in, it would seem they do, to me it looks like they do as well. Although i think the more crucial point is that they don't handle well on inconsistent surfaces (slick and grippy all at once). It must be much easier to maintain a consistent surface through the course of a meeting when its on the slicker side. It shows some of the arcane views that are still ingrained in plenty of speedway fans that haven't bothered paying attention in the last 10 years. "The racing was rubbish, so the track was too slick, needed more dirt on it", doesn't wash these days. Fact is you can get great racing on slick tracks and grippy tracks in this age. You can also get crap racing on both too. Its the distribution of dirt thats key. as someone said earlier, just dumping a load of dirt on the track just means that the inside is just as fast as the outside, and the shortest way round. So you just end up with a circular drag strip. Slicker inside, dirt out wide in the right proportion is the key. And its got to be consistent. It's been my major bugbear when we've had meetings on TV from Kings Lynn to be told that the track is top class, will be a great night, all this build up and then we just get 15 heats of riders racing to the first bend then following each other round at blistering pace, hoping they don't hit the inevitable slick then mega grippy patch mid-bend, making the bike lock up / rear /buck up, what ever. I think the thing that makes the bigger tracks like BV in particular, when on the slicker side, good, is that to be quick on it and remain quick, its not just about hitting the dirt line full throttle and hanging on, its about positioning on the bike, keeping wheels in line, building up the speed. Inevitably that way its harder to defend a position from someone riding a different line a different way. I'm sure thats where BV will find their home advantage too. Anyone can turn up to a massive, wide oval and turn it up to 11 for 4 laps, but not allowing that and home riders knowing how to keep their wheels in line or making the cutbacks or dive-bombs where necessary is where the advance lies, and hopefully the better racing too.
  12. Rosco's weekend in Leszno wasn't a complete waste then.... Away at BV is a very different prospect with Tobiasz in the team now. Could be interesting.
  13. Hats off to Worral. Might have been on the roll but that was a great ride in that company. Again we see the difference in pure speed that the continental riders have over the GB boys, though. We need to get the Brits doing as much testing as possible at the national stadium in the run up to any of these international events as it's the closest thing we're going to get over here to a typical polish track that we can use readily. Hopefully we'll see our boys improving their performances on the continent in the coming years now we've got this great facility over here.
  14. Never had a problem with a programme over running whilst recording on a Sky TV box, but having switched to BT on the YouView platform a couple of years ago, it stops recording on any programme that over runs, on any channel. The box and system are so awful compared to sky, it's like comparing running windows 7 (or what ever incarnation it is these days) on a brand new modern PC, then trying to run the same thing on some machine from the 90's. Totally useless. The user interface is glacial. Can't wait to not have to use it when I move! In short I don't think it's BT sport's fault....more a fault of their archaic system and box.
  15. Even so, you don't just essentially gift a rival team a league point that could get them into the playoffs, especially to a team that has almost been dormant at home but looking good away and with possible scope to strengthen up. It would be understandable if it was a completely insipid team, like Poole...
  16. Forgot about the early kick off for this. Logged on to check how the first couple of heats were going, pleasant surprise to see the match was over, 45-47. Lovely stuff. Glug Glug Glug.
  17. Are you still banging on about that? Have a word. Your lot were complete toilet over two legs. Get over it.
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