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Speedy swindon pete

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Everything posted by Speedy swindon pete

  1. This is why the playoffs are here to stay. Largely guff racing but plenty of drama and tension....too much tension..
  2. What its the start marshals job to stop the race after an unsatisfactory start? Have a word. Hans always pulls back after the marshal looks away. The red is the one able to see across the line and should be laying the law. National league rider looking out of depth in the top league? Whod have thought. Lad can gate though.
  3. Hans in unnoticed roller shocker. I say it every week. Where do they get these idiot refs from?
  4. Thats even before we start considering the amount of restarts well have for moving at the start. At least its not going to be a cold one...hopefully. Swindon should have too much class in the top 5 and tail end of the meeting for the plucky pirates in the end. The reserves and track could have a reasonable impact though to make it a bit uncomfortable. I just hope we dont start off having a nightmare couple of first heats and struggle to regain our composure.
  5. You've lost me starman. The results are going swindon's way, generally, and the ref is still incompetent. For both sides.
  6. Always happens on the coldest nights. Nightmare. Ref not holding the tapes particularly long, just typically inept. Took 3 goes at heat 1, third one Doyle made a bigger jump than all the others put together, but ref lets it go, not even a warning. Heat 3 musielak makes a perfect start but ref brings it back. Where on earth do they get these jokers from? It's just rank amatuerism.
  7. We've had 7 starts from the tapes and haven't even completed heat 3 yet. Beyond a joke.
  8. Meeting is dead rubber but this has the feeling of 2009 (I think it was) where swindon were rampant in the latter part of the season, but we lost momentum in the last meetings of the season and we ended up going into the playoffs very much on the downward trajectory (only just scraping past Cov in the Semi?) and went into the final not looking sharp at all. Hopefully it's just a blip.
  9. So we should continue with the complete and utter shambles of this season where there are not enough riders to sustain two leagues of largely similar standard without most of them riding in both leagues and countless fixture clashes where teams from both leagues have to resort guests to fill unavailable rider's slots? Just because a top foreign rider has suggested that it would be probably be a better idea for the leagues to have separate race nights, allowing the doubling up to continue without fixture clashes. Classic speedway fan logic. Always blaming the tip of the iceberg, ignoring everything that has led to that point.
  10. Good god speedway meetings are painful to watch these days. That's even before we discuss the quality of the racing. 15 heats but about 25 starts. Two minutes between all those, plus pauses for rides on the trot, track grades and the ref to clip their toenails. Some can't be helped but the whole jumping the start saga has been a complete joke this season. Got to do something to discourage it and speed the process up between starts if it does happen.
  11. What a crowd. Needed to park half way towards purton to get in. Just shows the crowds are there for speedway even if it's on the box, if it's priced well.
  12. Lynn is such a frustrating track to watch racing from. All the riders pulling the right shapes to set up passing moves, but they rarely come. Racing should be 10 times better than it actually is. At least the on track action was close tonight with some decent races on occasion. Can't work out how Auty is still getting rides in the top league.
  13. Regardless of the line-ups, the racing has been superb tonight. Thoroughly enjoyable stuff.
  14. Late to this being busy. But.....Glug Glug Glug. For some reason swindon started chucking points away once the result was clear, sparing Ford's blushes further. Crap racing not uncommon at blunsdon these days, but I should imagine the weather leading up to tapes up would have made things even trickier for track prep than usual. Poole on the end of numerous shoeings and shovvy accusing winning fans of excessively smug gloating...sensational stuff.
  15. The cost of replacing numerous sets of tapes each meeting, factored in , might be a sticking point for Tel Russel. Last nights constant stoppages were more than enough as it is. Gutted for Zach. Got a bit spooked by Wilson Dean coming in underneath him. Clearly wasn't a case of Brad not leaving him anywhere to go as Zach ended up 360-ing. Just a bit of inexperience on both parts most probably. Massive shame that he's gone from being labelled as an absolute no-hopper by some (usual suspect) Robins fans, before a wheel had been turned in anger, to being completely irreplaceable as a solid scorer, who we now suddenly have to fill a gap for. Hope we see more of him in robins colours in the future.
  16. Said it so many times, and still they keep proving it. Some speedway riders are so dense, light bends around them. Why even run the risk of charging through the tapes in your very first ride? Now you're going into your second ride completely cold, without a clue how the bike is set up for the track. Mad.
  17. But on the flip side.....how hard is it to produce a smooth and consistent track? We all know what the bikes are like these days, we can kick and scream as much as we like, but they're not going to change any time soon, especially going back to the "louder" silencers. We still see plenty of good racing these days, its not like the bikes have completely neutered the racing. Yet we still get tracks purposely prepared half like concrete, half like a ploughed field.
  18. There's plenty of evidence that the technical track produce great racing too, wolves and others being a good examples. Surely as a speedway fan through, you just want to see good close racing. whether its from a flat out polish track, or a pidly, tricky, British track. So saying you prefer one over the other is a slightly odd point. At a track that "anyone can ride" will probably mean you're more likely to get an even field in each race, rather than one or two track experts making all the moves. BP didn't disgrace its self last night by any means, i've said plenty of times I've seen far worse meetings (absolutely awful) at KL and Swindon.
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