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Speedy swindon pete

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Everything posted by Speedy swindon pete

  1. sounds like another olsen special tonight but wont pass judgement yet as i didnt see it. well done emil, lindback coming 3rd doesnt suprise me either, he looked red hot at swindons 60th jubillee meeting and has been testing the track the last few weeks...good for him looks like its crumpy for the title and is this the season where we see leigh not make the top 8? i really hope not. although hes not a big fan of the rougher tracks, but theres deffinately been something missing about him this year, mostly from the tapes. hope he shows some bouncebackability* at the next round in....copenhagen? * copyright Iain Dowie
  2. Yep, He asks Nicki P...What gate are you off in the first heat? and sets the starts up to make that gate an advantage. The guys in the studio and Johno were saying...Gate 3 is never the best gate here because its on the racing line, what happens last night? nicki off gate 3 twice...including the very first heat, and statistically the best gate all night is gate 3. Im sure looking through past GP's..there will be a general trend along those lines. And im sure olsen can prepare tracks well...he just chooses not to, for sponsors/the danes. Unless Leigh Adams announces a retirement year from the GP's, i wont be shelling out to go and watch another GP for as long as olsen is setting up the tracks.
  3. what a line up btw, the admission for this is 20 quid for adults, 15 for concessions, child 8, under 11's free
  4. well done leigh. 10th australian title...great stuff! and a swindon 5-1 over poole in the final too
  5. Put up on the swindon site tonight. Adams, Batchelor, Stead and Emil Sajfutdinov confirmed starters. tasty. Should imagine Mads and Rico will be there, hopefully Bomber, Crump, and Andersen will be asked to compete too.
  6. You'll be right there frigbo... still here too. he's been helping to do our extention the last few months and can sometimes be spotted frequenting the Red House for a swift pint.
  7. well I hope ermolenko, louis and hewen feel a bit stupid after calling Leigh the weak link in the final and not being up to mixing it. Fact is he doesn't really need to! Whilst winning most of his points from the back! Well done Leigh
  8. james was the most popular person in the crowd last night. you sure you weren't thinking of nicholls?
  9. well done scott and eddie....deserved jimmy and bomber made rotten gate choices in the semi and final, bomber looked great in his last 4 rides, but not chosing gate 4 really put him at a disadvantage. same with james....iwas begging him not to take gate one...and he did...doh tai was mustard tonight, incredible. cant believe people are moaning about the semi final situation...smacks of sour grapes to me...of course the same people would be moaning about home track advantage if James went through on heat points
  10. so you're saying that a good meeting isn't dictated by the passing and racing, but how even the amount of winners are across the gates? you must be thrill a minute mate!
  11. sounds like this has been moved again to the 17th of august...still at swindon mind, so dont worry, you can still have a moan.
  12. I've been looking for speedway tracks around the world lately, comparing shapes and sizes....(how sad ) any chance we could compile a big list of co-ordinates of all the tracks found? im struggling with polish and swedish tracks inparticular. any help greatfully recieved. whether it be speedway or long tracks or even defunct ones....the wierder and more interesting the better
  13. Typical of a Wolves/David Howe fan and Richardson knocker anyone?
  14. Can any one tell me if Leigh was using his old Jawa's or the GM's which he is apparently moving onto. Not good news at all if he was using the GM's which are supposedly more reliable
  15. Poor Leigh!!! But fantastic to see Ales at the meeting and talking!
  16. Ah right, no there doesnt appear to be any buttons for that, the closest thing is a brightness slider, i cant see that being of much use to solving my problem.
  17. Its off shrink to fit. Its not that the track is too small, its the whole screen, the menu and all that has shrunk down to, leave masses of black space around the whole screen and only about a 5 inch screen of the game. I dont follow what u are saying Craig.
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