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Speedy swindon pete

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Everything posted by Speedy swindon pete

  1. 90% of team GB's problems definitely lie between their ears. for christ sake. why would you....after making a blinding gate off gate 1, knowing the track has just been watered and is already slick....charge for the fence in the 1st bend. unbelievable.
  2. why is bridger still doing this ridiculous leg thing. it looks like hes trying to joust the opposition. he looks fine going into the bends, but as soon as he takes his right foot off the peg, you can see the bike squirming about all over the place. so frustrating. has middlo got a nail gun over there? could just pin bridger's foot to his peg and he'll fly.
  3. what is tai doing..... should have been nursing topinka round there to force a run off between russia and the czechs
  4. dont understand why nicki doesnt just try and stay on the bike, why fall off and take the risk of being excluded. he wouldve easily got second if he just backed off a bit and cut back.as far as im concerned lindback was in front there, by a long way.
  5. wahooo, well done scotty, from behind too.... start shouldve been called back really, woffy can feel a bit unlucky.
  6. what a great meeting. talk about drama, full on commitment and great racing. still in the balance, unlucky for ed there (& woffy) .
  7. I wanna see Holder being the new face of Cilit Bang adverts.....you cant buy that enthusiasm.
  8. after a turgid start, theres some cracking racing going on here...mallila is always a brilliant track. the irish chappy much better today also, quite a quick learner he seems! well done to him. the dealy between the match and broadcast is really working too with the long waits edited out...nice flow too the racing.
  9. trying to be diplomatic as the chap obviously doesnt know too much about speedway......but god this commentary is painful. he's still getting Janowski and Davidsson confused! argh!
  10. i wonder if the polish riders / authorities have pressured the GP organisers to prepare a slick track because of their fear of the new silencers with lots of dirt. cant think of any other reason why it would be prepared so slick.
  11. I think Laguta has had his kevlars made from the same material my local curry house uses for curtains.
  12. Grigory had exactly the same problem in the Criterion of Aces match at bydgoszsz at the start of the season.\ looked massively fast, kept getting to the front from behind, and would then have an EF once he'd hit the front. i think he had 4 EF's out of 5 rides! he wouldve won the meeting comfortably if he kept his positions....such a shame, brilliant rider to watch.
  13. just seen a heat with gollob trying to chase down pedersen, what a heat. looked like gollob was wearing a head cam....would love to see his POV of that.
  14. thats the one, small place...not much going on... wembley doesnt have the immediacy of the centre of town right next to it, like cardiff has though. cardiff you can stumble out of the shopping centre / restaurants / bars / pubs and straight into the stadium, and then do the journey in reverse after! wembley has nothing like that without getting on the tube or bus.
  15. i think if the new Belle Vue stadium materialises in the coming years, with the facilities they say it will have. i can see a second GP being held there. Much smaller crowd than cardiff, but still a healthy number (7000-10000 guess). but much cheaper to rent out, track already in place and with decent facilities. other than that, cant see one happening, wembley too expensive alongside cardiff, plus theres naff all there near it!
  16. so....its all over, a season or two ago you'd never really think you'd be sat at home contemplating that we'll never see leigh ride again and what the next season would be like, without Leigh heading the team. but here we are. cracking night on sunday, thank goodness the weather read the script beforehand and played ball. wasnt the best meeting ive ever seen but still a very entertaining one all the same, and a great send off for leigh. so fitting for Mr.Clean to end the night looking just as well scrubbed up as he did on the parade, immaculate as ever. good to see rosco in such a rampant mood aswell it would have been nice to see a couple more international stars (crumpy getting his arm sorted, and a shame rune wasnt able to make it) but as long as Leigh enjoyed him self with all the guys, it certainly was entertaining enough. The good: Sweety looking very good early on (we'll have him back, thanks, rosco) Steady entertaining as ever, one of the races of the season against holder...he even won it, even better Zagar putting on a real show, see you next year hopefully. Leigh, Obviously. The bad: No Holta or Loram, a shame but understandable with Holta's ankle and Mark soon expecting. The ugly: Parker and Woffinden's bare hinds flying past at high speed yeeesh. great spirit though blimey that must've been cold. Thank god they didnt give Rosco enough time to wrestle those kevlars off and join them Great atmosphere in the bar for the auction after too, great banter from punters and riders a like and a quick mention to the Leszno fans who came over too, brilliant. the sunday before, there was 10000 of similarly passionate Leigh fans in Poland, it was cracking. So thanks for the years of 1st class service Leigh, he definitely goes down in my eyes as the greatest rider to don the red breast, and i dont think we'll ever see anyone better him. i dont think it will properly hit me until first match of 2011 and i look down at the programme and think "god this doesnt look right". Not looking forward to the first last heat decider we come to either, when you need someone to step up to the plate, you'd always feel confident that Leigh was about to do the business. unless we sign crumpy as a replacement, i cant see us ever having that comfort blanket again. Hope things go well back home in Aus Leigh, come back in a few years time for a beer in the Legends Lounge. p.s anyone know of any sites with some photos of the evening?
  17. i dont think they have tesco out in aus... is this grudge all about the stuff about aussie kids riders coming over and nicking all British kids opportunities that you alluded to in another thread?
  18. First chance i've had to make a comment on this meeting. me and a couple of mates decided to make the trip from the UK to Leszno especially for this meeting after all the Bydgozsz tickets had all sold out, and we were all very glad we did make the journey. what a cracking weekend and cracking meeting. my first taste of polish speedway in the flesh so it was all very new to me. firstly, what a stadium it is in Leszno, stunning bowl all seated with perfect views of the track from every single seat. i knew the track was very good before heading out there and it didnt disappoint at all on the sunday. If only we had the combination of beautiful stadium and cracking track in the UK. (hopefully the proposed BelleVue site will offer a similar experience. The fans were all superb aswell, i knew leigh was massively popular there but wasnt expecting a 10000 (at least) strong crowd. brilliant. and the chanting and singing were superb, i wish british speedway meetings had an atmosphere like that. although it would be great if the stands had a roof to keep all that atmosphere in (like torun). I was amazed by the amount of respect every single person in the stadium had for all the riders and demo riders too. everyone getting to their feet and clapping every time Jarmula (what an entertainer) or even little Declyn passed. As previously said, racing was cracking and was a real treat to see Leigh fly round his home turf out there, something ive wanted to see for many years. Meidzinski just reaffirmed why ive wanted him back in the swindon side for the last couple of years, the boy is class. Janus was fantastic too, shame he had to pull out, and of course Leigh was really winding it on all meeting. Heard alot of good things about Pawlicki's younger brother, so was good to see him get a spin, he really does look classy for such a young guy...like a half pint version of Leigh! other highlights were Jarmula taking one of the start girls round the track on the back of his old bike, only to open up the taps and nearly spit her off the back of it at high speed...dont think ive heard such a loud collective gasp around the stadium as she clung on for dear life Janowski doing stand up wheelies after his last ride was brilliant too...trying to make it round the 3rd and 4th bend still stood up wheelieing, then to decide that it wasnt such a good idea after all, dropping it and slipping off, classic. just one thing for anyone that was there that spoke polish...what was the big reaction about when Hampel was speaking on the centre green at half time with the Leszno manager(?)..? all the young girls (in which there were loads on the back straight) positively squealed in delight a couple of times as Hampel was on the mic. was it about a contract for next season or something else? We're already planning the next trip out there, it was that good. I'd strongly recommend anyone thinking of going, to enjoy a weekend out there, it was superb, poznan is a great city to stay. Cheers Leigh for a cracking meeting, those poles really do know how to send you off in style.
  19. thank you orion.... cant believe people are moaning about it being a poor line-up, what the hell do people think the day is all about? watching a gp meeting or saluting one of the greatest riders ever to grace british speedway??! sure, having a field full of national league riders (no disrespect to them) would be wierd, but its not, its still a competitive lineup and im sure they'll put on a show. Leigh probably could have asked more or less the entire gp field, but what would that have meant to him? probably not much. instead he's going out having fun with some old mates and people that respect him. im going just to see leigh take his final few laps round blunsdon, saying thanks for his years of immaculate service nothing else. im pretty sure thats why 10000 fans (including me), showed up on a sunny afternoon in leszno last week.
  20. is it a race off to decide the winner then? go magik
  21. C'mon Magik. needs Bogdanov and Ward to have a big slip up in these last rides
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