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Speedy swindon pete

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Everything posted by Speedy swindon pete

  1. Fair play to Rosey. Coming back from a nasty crash, I wouldn't have blamed him for looking at the track and just bottling it. But he's been on the pace very well tonight. Hopefully a rest for a few weeks has done him a world of good.
  2. God. Not with these refs enforcing it. They can't run things properly as it is without adding in something else for them to think about.
  3. Haha. Everyone hopping mad over a rider not clearing the track...as if it's the first time it's ever happened. Give me strength.
  4. Christ sake. The standard of reffing these days is total rubbishe. If you're going to call things (or not call things) at least be consistent with it. PK and Hans both been rolling at the start but neither pulled back. It's not hard to see. Just don't focus on one rider, just look across the line and you'll see any movement from that. If you can't then you're eyes clearly aren't good enough to be useful for refereeing! PK staying on the track....surely a professional foul, race should be awarded. No matter what the rule book says...it's common sense. Havvy making gestures at the camera....Christ alive...how is this joke sport is on TV? Unbelievable.
  5. Can we have a bit of Van Halen every time Sarjeant rolls up to the tapes at Swindon v Cov please....
  6. Harsh indeed and will be interesting to hear how the ref justifies that one looking at the replays. But he shouldn't have needed to be in that position off 15 opinion the first place...but he just can't help himself. Thick or what.
  7. Pahahah. Bees reserves in self destruct once again. If Sarjeant has been excluded from that as well though, can't see how the ref can justify that one.
  8. Sounds like a silly mistake from Morris. 10pm curfew and call it a 6 point win for BV....please?
  9. Sounds like an absolute classic up there tonight, regardless of what the final result is....still DAC would rather this was a dead rubber evening of racing with no one interested.
  10. What the hell is Sargeant's problem? Getting a huff on because he fluffed up his constant anticipation of the start. And now garrity's at it. These two are doing it all the time...can't believe the bloody refs still haven't cottoned on properly!
  11. Urgh. The inevitable has finally become reality. I've become so numbed by years of rule changes, skullduggery and bickering between fans, management and promotions, I can't even muster the energy to be excited to have Ward and a hot European prospect in the team or be outraged that a young British rider has lost his place at my club through no fault of his own. The only real winners out of this situation are Ward, as he gets the rides he desperately needs after his ban, (whether he gives 100% or not doesn't particularly matter) and those on here who can some how find enough hours in the day to sit on here writing endless, relentless, mind numbing shyte, in the vain hope that someone will give them some meagre scraps to feed on once again. Rosco was going to get flamed no matter who he got rid of, obviously he's made a decision with his Swindon hat on. Hopefully (well, no doubt) Kyle will be fixed up with another elite squad ASAP. I'd be surprised if Rosco hasn't helped him in some way already. I no longer particularly care about winning any more, what's the point. The league and its systems and those that make them, create these situations where there are no winners. The competition aspect is so stunted it's not really worth worrying about. I'll just keep going to the meetings hoping to see some decent racing and be entertained for the evening. A win is a bit of a bonus. It's just a shame that Swindon have been forced to make these changes, which are clearly not universally popular, to try and make something of their season.
  12. Christ alive, glad I didn't have to watch that in real time. Not sure what was worse, Swindon's performance or the track. Both total toilet. If Zengi is the one to make way for Ward, it'll be absolutely criminal.
  13. This is what I was alluding to a while back. Would rather the current 4 stayed and a "lesser heatleader" brought in in place of AM. They might be frustrating at times but the 4 we have at the moment are largely enjoyable to watch. Someone like Pawlicki would add to the fun, if he was here enough.
  14. Shocker of a meeting last night. Swindon couldn't gate and the track offered next to nothing. Rosco having a stinker with the tactical too. CR's mate must have been seeing things if he was seeing Swindon riders being passed...there were only 3 genuine passes all night and 2 of those were in the same heat when Howarth went backwards. Wouldn't say definitively that Batch wasn't average lowering, but he chose a very dangerous and risky way of going about it if he was. Don't know what we'll do about the AM/PK hole but I'd rather not have Ward because of the conspiracies about last night and the baggage and Poole links that naturally come with him.
  15. Whether people thought it was good enough or not was just the side story. The fact was there was basically no difference in conditions between the end of heat 9 and the end of heat 10....but suddenly the conditions were deemed by those in power to not be suitable. losing a match is annoying, but knowing that you've payed 17 quid for something that is predetermined from just a few heats, will only run 2/3rds the way through and all the heats leading up to that are being rushed through to specifically reach that point, no matter how much the entertainment suffers.....really really smarts
  16. I hate Poole as much as anyone, but the fact is I have no sympathy for Havvy and the Coventry promotion. We had a carbon copy situation last year at Swindon. Everyone knew deep down that the track was not raceable in heats 8 and 9, yet everyone went through the motions, heat 10 was nothing more than a demonstration race. Queue the meeting being called off and Havvy and the Coventry fans basking in the warmth of an away win. No regard for the people who payed to be there. The phrase "..to get a result", turns every meeting its mentioned at and the sport into a complete farce. How many times does this need to happen?
  17. Does anyone know how to search for threads from 2014? Should make some interesting reading looking back at the Swindon v Cov match at the start of the season last year.
  18. You've changed your tune in the last year and a bit too, SCB.
  19. I'm going to get my post from that night at Swindon last season dusted off....paying fans losing out again? Surely not?
  20. Wonder if this is evoking any memories for Havvy about that night at Swindon at the start of last season?! Changed his tune now the boot is on the other foot.
  21. Coventry's reserves whilst being very quick.....have absolutely no composure when it's needed at all. Anticipating the starts, taking their own team mates out and going for the big moves when there's still 3 and a half laps of a race left...all in a day's work for those two.
  22. Me thinks a few Cov fans and the management are smarting somewhat after letting what should have been a win for them slip. Until heat 12 Swindon were effectively a 4 man team but still kept within striking distance of a full strength Cov side that has been dominating the league until now. The the Bees reserves and Havvy lost their heads after that and by the time heat 15 had come around, the meeting was dead rubber for the Swindon boys. I'm sure if we were after a heat result Rosco would have put Zengi in heat 15 and the focus would have been a little sharper, but Kyle deserved a run out for a great performance. Hopefully the mighty Rosco and his band of plucky lads have ruffled a few feathers in the Coventry camp. Watch out for that "vendetta", Havvy!
  23. Enjoyed that last night. There was a bit of bleating a few weeks ago about the average or fair weather fan not being enticed by the advanced fiver offer. Gladly, that one has been safely put to bed. Huge crowd with plenty of families and kids about too. I think a lot of people underestimate the power of good old fashioned word of mouth to draw friends and family in. Proves that the crowds are out there...even for a match on TV AND on a Tuesday. Sky will be itching to come back if it's at all possible, maybe a two for 10/15 quid might make people rope a few extra friends and family in that haven't been before. Market it, put the word out early, make people commit. People are used to booking stuff in advanced these days, people can plan their weeks around it. It's far too easy these days to have soft plans to do something but then get distracted or just not be bothered after getting in from work if you haven't committed to it financially. Thank christ the weather played ball for a change! Hopefully the casual and new fans saw something that they were entertained by last night. It's hard to imagine anyone didn't enjoy that last night. First half of the meeting was slightly turgid racing wise, but luckily the score kept it very interesting. We certainly got all that we could wish for in the second half of the meeting, and the home fans went home happy. Ideal. Think Coventry should be very disappointed not to get more than a point from that. Even before heat 13 (hope Hans is ok soon) Cov should have had a handy cushion of points with Swindon being massively outgunned at reserve and Batchelor effectively riding like a reserve (food poisoning or not he hasn't looked comfortable at Swindon at any point this season, doesn't have the fitness/confidence to go into the bends full bore like we know he can do). Luckily the rest of the team showed plenty of character to prove Crazy Robin's predictably gloomy mid-meeting prediction as total cobblers. What a great way to predict the outcomes of matches against your own team....get it right and you look like a genius. Get it wrong, at least you can enjoy (does CR do enjoyment?) a win for your team. Either way, you're a winner. I like this team, plenty of guts and enthusiasm in it, at home at least. Will be interesting to see what happens with Adrian coming back. If he ends up losing his team place, I'd happily have North back in the fold. Ok he probably will come up short in terms of consistent point scoring ability compared to PK, but you'll at least get plenty of commitment which I think is the best we can hope for from this season and hope the middle order carry on their good form. More nights like that at home, I don't think people would be complaining too much.
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