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Eglese 19

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Everything posted by Eglese 19

  1. I haven't found it said anywhere that this will be shown which I find odd to say the least
  2. Couldn't agree more, shame we'll have to wait a while it seems
  3. If Emil rides like his first heat all night can't see anyone getting near him. Then again since when did sport work like that
  4. I can't really understand the commentary but I guess Gollob saw something? The ref must agree as he's put him back in
  5. If anyone remembers Eurovision winning band Lordi, they're from Finland, maybe it will be them
  6. Enjoyed the meeting and was great to see Greg win again, what a legend!
  7. It'll be more than easy enough to get by yourself if you come to Finland, I managed travelling to my girlfriends alone for many years! English will be widely spoken but you must accept that a lot of Finns aren't so quick to use it and can be quite shy though in tourist offices in the big cities it shouldn't be a problem. For anyone coming over who wanted to spend more than just a day who is concerned that Tampere won't have enough to do (besides bars and restaurants) Tampere has direct rail links to Helsinki, Turku, Oulu and Rovaniemi (from where the arctic circle is just a short bus away) amongst other places so you could certainly see a lot of Finland.
  8. Well in my original suggestion I awarded them 5 points for the series on top of all other points so there would still be a possibility they wouldn't top score. However, for me, the point of a final is severely watered down currently in my opinion, so I would say yes currently I'd rather see the winner top scorer than the "extra heat" that the final is now. I know you disagree as do a lot of people and that's fine, I know my the point I'm making and it's a matter of opinion, I'm not wrong and neither are you, it seems the majority like it how is so that's fair enough.
  9. If in the UK and you don't want to fly from Stansted then you can fly to Helsinki and it's about an hour train journey to Tampere from there. The stadium is quite central to the town and there's a fair few hotels, bars, clubs and restaurants that are all within walking distance so finding something to do before/after the GP should be easy
  10. Well, it seems to me from the newcomers I've tried to introduce to the sport that the idea of 5th place top scoring is embarrassing. I just don't see the point of semis and a final if we're just after the rider who is best throughout the year. A GP series has several GPs (the series is not a GP) and in most sports GP winners are rewarded the most from each GP. For me I would liven up the GP finals by making the winner the highest scorer or would drop the semis and the finals.
  11. No I'm not from Tampere, I live in Kokkola so will certainly be making the trip down all being well
  12. Just to reiterate, I'm not saying that the GP winner is the best rider but I'm saying that winning the final for me doesn't carry the sense of achievement that it should, some agree and some don't. I do feel however that if the GP system is just there to find out the best rider then do away with semis and the final and then you will have a proper league type situation that in theory will find the best rider over the season.
  13. I would imagine Tai's performance is allowing the wild card pickers a big sigh of relief at not having to stress about a token Brit!
  14. Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting a change of the heat scoring system, I'm suggesting a change to the GP points that would be accumulated through the season which is like changing the points garnered for a win in football, which happened.
  15. I guess it kind of boils down to the excitement of league vs cup style of things. Cups, where it can all hang on one moment, create more excitement whereas leagues will find out the best team/individual. For me I would like to see the excitement/tension level raised a bit and hence a reward for progressing further in the GPs. Interestingly enough, the points system I suggested above would make no difference to the top 6 as regards to position, Emil would be further ahead of Tai but Tai would have more points available to him in the last 4. I guess I just don't like the idea of a potential world champ not winning a GP which rarely happens I know. At least from these responses and as Pandorum said Emil prefers it this way I may be in the minority and therefore it is good that the system suits the majority. I only brought it up as it's bugged me for a while and a couple of newbies to the sport said they agree and couldn't get their head around the fact a winner could be beaten by 5th place.
  16. All I'm saying is that it takes something away from winning the GP in my opinion. To me it's almost like we have a really long world final done in stages and as for finding the best rider it certainly does do that yes but for me if it's split into GPs then the reward for winning a GP should be greater, almost as a reward for doing it when it matters most. I'm not saying that the current method doesn't find out the best rider, though if that's all we want we could remove semis and finals altogether and just tally the points over the season. It seems that it maybe is just me and that's fine, if the majority like it how it is then it's good that it's done in the way the fans want.
  17. Well doesn't have to be any points for semis and finals necessarily but I just would like to see at least winning the GP more incentivised. Maybe it's just me and if so then that's fine but I just think that the incentive to win the final is a lot smaller than it should be, kind of making the point of winning a GP a bit hollow, especially when a guy who finished 5th is outscoring you.
  18. For a while now I've been getting quite irritated with the way GP's are scored, or rather the lack of a reward for reaching the semis, final or winning it. Personally, I don't like that the winner can be outscored by others in the meeting but given the nature of the GPs I accept that it's a possibility. It really did annoy me when Emil finished 5th earlier this year though and top scored. The way I see it winning the GP is not worth much at all right now, if you make the final then 2nd is just 1 point worse than 1st and if you've done better earlier in the meeting I feel the incentive just isn't there. What I would like to see maybe would be to keep the scoring for all heats as it is, no double points, but award a set amount of bonus points to riders who reach the semis, then the final and then the eventual winner. Maybe 5 points for reaching the semis, 10 for the final and 15 for winning it. Am I alone with this or does anyone else think that the current system isn't great? You don't have to agree with my suggestion obviously.
  19. Think Greg might get one for to keep the USA interested, if he chooses to carry on anyway. Think Gollob would miss out as there are a lot of good Poles out there and as has been said, he'll probably call it a day.
  20. Well, Tai's certainly proved me wrong this year and I'm happy for it. Also, as has been mentioned, he seems to have matured no end and is earning respect not just for his riding which is great to see. It would be great if he can go on to be champ this year, I thought the injury may have finished him (for the title) but then he goes and cuts Emil's lead in Italy and it's all to ride for.
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