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Eglese 19

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Everything posted by Eglese 19

  1. I sincerly hope they're prepared, pretty certain they will be with tomorrow being the showpiece of the year
  2. Aye, definitely not ruling Greg out. Would fancy Woffy for a most points bet though.
  3. Preview for the GP if anybody's interested https://youtu.be/FqrtLesQy0c Woffinden looking on hot form for it, which should surely scud him into missing the semis now!
  4. FWIW I think Bomber will probably miss out, though I hope not. It shouldn't be a major shock to anyone if Tai is the only Brit next year, not like we've had a group of riders banging on the door and showing their dominance recently or anything. That said, if Tai is representing your country, things could be worse!
  5. Yes, sadly I no longer need to work out how much of the ice hockey semi final I'll be able to watch. Not after a massive argument but just wondered why? Don't think they're dirt cheap at all but Finland isn't the cheapest place in the world and for me the price is roughly inline with what I would expect. Whilst there is a discussion to be had on the value for entertainment based on last year's meeting ticket prices are never going to reflect such things, I'm sure the formula 1 Spanish GP for example isn't cheap despite it's dullness, and the prices seem to be ok based on what I used to pay for Cardiff anyway.
  6. Riding the wave of optimism for this event here's a preview video! https://youtu.be/c6yjoHmXBvs
  7. Ah well, what will be will be, at least I'll get to see a whole GP if it's like last year!
  8. I saw on Twitter that Havelock and Lindgren didn't think the track was that bad. Obviously I've no idea how it actually was but from comments and my own opinion based on watching GPs we've seen much worse. Very disappointing
  9. It's not been a great show-piece for speedway tonight but I don't think there's going to be any permanent damage from this, just move on from it and hopefully learn from some mistakes
  10. Well, not a great day for the GP then, hopefully they can improve this Made a preview video for the GP if anybody's interested https://youtu.be/cgBMMLvBbQQ
  11. Well unless I pay for the subscription on the official site I'm stuck with Nige and Kelv interrupted every 10 minutes by World of Tanks!
  12. It is disappointing if he hasn't prepared right, he has earned his right to be there through the qualifiers, now he needs to show he should be there, maybe he'll hit the track and prove me wrong....
  13. Made a preview video for the coming season, venues, dates and rides etcetera, hopefully somebody finds it interesting! https://youtu.be/29yX-3UMrnY
  14. Well I sincerely hope the meeting is at least a little better this year. I'll be travelling down again (can't moan about missing speedway if I won't make the trip down!) and whilst I always enjoy being at a GP last year was possibly the worst I've seen.
  15. If Bomber gets through tonight people will just have to deal with it, do we need another rider in the GPs to have a year like his? No. But if he qualifies then all the others will just have to accept it, not like he's cheated
  16. Yeah think probably that's right. Kildemand with the 3rd, he's gotta feel confident
  17. If I read it right Bomber wins the first heat of the night, Berntzon D/Q Janowski heat 2 ahead of Andersen
  18. I might be wrong but if they did that last year they would have had to drop to 14th to find someone who wanted in and wasn't already in?
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