There is no jealousy! just frustration that on a forum based in England not one English fan deems his efforts worthy of mention.
Bjerre and Iversen were VERY good tonight but i still fail to see, when they are going to REDUCE the number of riders in the GP, why they should be given a place in the 2005 series. If they earn it on merit i.e via qualification fair do's, as Iversen might well do, and if he does good luck to him. But i'm never in favour of saying oh yeah give X a go cos he did well in a one off GP, does that amplify enough for you.
Whats the point of being jealous about Scandanavian speedway as a follower since the 80's we are well used to being in your shadow sadly not helped ambivulence of British fans.
Oh and i still think your a dweeb
ah so you are awake then dekker