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Everything posted by GeneralMelchett

  1. At the time of the accident I was cursing becasue i felt Jonsson had the drive on the outside to pass Scott. Obviously we'll never know now but i suspect it would have been a photo finish regardless! It was refreshing in the interview when Scott said "I'm a racer and only come off if i have to." IMO if he had baled out Hancock would have gone meaning 2/3 chance of qualification instead of 2/4 however he obviously thoughti i'm in second lets keep going.
  2. There is no jealousy! just frustration that on a forum based in England not one English fan deems his efforts worthy of mention. Bjerre and Iversen were VERY good tonight but i still fail to see, when they are going to REDUCE the number of riders in the GP, why they should be given a place in the 2005 series. If they earn it on merit i.e via qualification fair do's, as Iversen might well do, and if he does good luck to him. But i'm never in favour of saying oh yeah give X a go cos he did well in a one off GP, does that amplify enough for you. Whats the point of being jealous about Scandanavian speedway as a follower since the 80's we are well used to being in your shadow sadly not helped ambivulence of British fans. Oh and i still think your a dweeb ah so you are awake then dekker
  3. I really struggle to understand some of you lot on this forum, you all puport to be British or English (and in SCB's case Welsh fans) and yet over 2 hours after the GP and NO-ONE has seen fit to deem Scott Nicholls efforts tonight worthy of a mention. In case you weren't watching he was 40 yards from a final slot No wonder your all to busy drooling over a couple of Danish wildcards or explaining your position the latest in the Pedersen V whoever clash and some dweeb seems to think that just because Iversen and Bjerre can pull one out of the hat in their home country's GP they should be given a place in WHOLE of the 2005 series!
  4. That was in 87 after he'd just won the NLRC, cheeky but probably not wrong!
  5. Goodness me how you have brought back happy memories. Silver was my all time hero, as when i first went to speedway in 1987 he was in his heyday at Arena. The following year he moved up to Swindon and in Aug 1988 we were on holiday in the West Country and my Dad and I took a trip to Blunsdon. I remember the meeting well, Andy scored 14 from 5 and was involved in one of the best races i've ever seen, i'm downloading the clip now but i expect its the one where he feigns to go outsdie donkey and then cuts back to the inside? Classic stuff from a racer. I'm a bit of a expert on Andy's career as i followed it with such interest. he was never to reach the heights he could and maybe should have but i suspect speedway was more of a hobby for him. He did retire and then make a comeback with Eastbourne which for me was a real kick in the teeth as i wanted him back at Arena. he was quite successful for a couple of seasons if I remember correctly but then called it a day. I think Sir kelvin tatum summed it up well on sky this week when he said Lee Richardson had a more polished approach but SCott Nicholls had more natural ability Well for my money Silver was blessed with so much ability, more than any other rider but to a certain extent he wasted it. he was a VERY good snowboarder and often entered championships etc and he always used to work in the Chalets with his fathers business over the winter and i think the piste lifestlye suited him!
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