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GeneralMelchett last won the day on August 26

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    Sheffield, via Southend, Colchester and Romford!
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    Either at Foxhall or Owlerton (previously Arena)

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  1. Last heat 5-1 makes the 2nd leg more interesting for sure at say 49-41 or less I’d be predicting a Sheffield v Leicester Final the aces have a chance to defence this but I still think Sheffield will get through overall! good nights entertainment however thanks to all the riders for having a go!
  2. Was a bigger crowd for the bank holiday fixture! Drives me mad this on board stuff wish they would just bin it tigers hanging in their despite nil from Josh thus far!
  3. Being honest wouldn't have a problem with them all back - I think in many ways we all know a fully fit Witches would in all probability have made it to the finals this season. Most of the riders have for me done their jobs for most of the season a couple of frustrations remain but for next year - i think Brennan if they could get him in that would be great. Doyle of course and Emil again be great but lets see! Dan T deserves and other go and Keynan Rew could make it a third season of progression - he's done well this season for me. Adam is a decent no 2 or 4 also. I still don't have an issue with Danny he has largely done whats asked but I feel Tom B for him might freshen it up and bring in a rider on the up rather than one who is nearing the end of his career.
  4. Having seen both sides ride at each others places this season I feel Sheffield ride the NSS better than BV do Owlerton - of course it could all change once the action starts!
  5. Haven't changed my view on this - home win tonight with a bigger home win on Thursday!
  6. 2 decisions were certainly baffling to me, and everyone else it seems.
  7. Agree here - expect a Sheffield win on aggregate - the Lions generally do well at Owlerton so thats the best final IMHO
  8. Kings performance last night wasn't good - I'm not going to get stuck in a long protracted debate about things but last season the Witches won the cup and i believe Danny was in that side, fate has intervened for 2024 with injuries but yes in 2024 the Witches haven't won anything other than sympathy!
  9. Been saying they should get Brennan at Foxhall for 2 years now - in this 2nd leg he almost scored what Emil or Jason would have - lads only going one way for now! Up!
  10. Just finished watching as wasn’t able to watch it live - brave effort from the Witches - Leicester made hard work of that and frankly only squeezed through!! A couple of very questionable calls from the ref! get TomB to Foxhall for next season!
  11. Given his recent form i would say his two opening wins were slightly against my expectation so he outperfrmed in that respect. Heat 11 maybe disappointing but it was the strongest Leicester duo in Fricke and Lawson who both out average him comfortably. One is a GP rider of course too! As for heat 15 - well who knows - Brennan and 3 wins out of 4 on the night and Kvech to my mind was always going to get one of the spots being a GP rider and on 9+1 at that stage.
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