seeking the information Airat FAIZULIN silver medal Individual Speedway Junior European Championship 1979 - birthplace - date of birth (DD/MM/YY) as well as the information about the career .
seeking the information OLE HANSEN bronze medal Junior European Championship 1985 - birthplace - date of birth (DD/MM/YY) as well as the information about the career of Denmark and British (?).
Wladyslaw Pietrzak given birth on 8 November 1919 in Warsaw , the soldier of the Home Army Armia Krajowa, the sports editor Speedway Star and Speedway weeklyTygodnik Żużlowy, the speedway judge, the director PZM, the president of the railway FIM committee.
Kelvin Jolly
British Championship U-21
1975 - VIII 8(2-2-1-1-2)
1976- VIII 8(2-3-1-1-1)
British Championship
Coventry 4/6/1980 XIV 4(2-0-1-0-1)
Coventry 3/6/1981 XVI 0(0-0-0-0-0)
Coventry 2/6/1982 XV 2(1-0-1-0-0)