Dave isn't it time you moved on? Porsing was crap and got the sack. You seem obsessed with everything Peterborough do even though it's got sod all to do with you.
Would anyone know when the various speedway TVs rights are due to expire on Eurosport? My tv package is up for renewal soon and need to know if to commit to Eurosport for another 12 months or not. Don't mind doing it if they are definitely showing some speedway.
Swedish League
Speedway Best Pairs Cup
Thanks in advance
Like anything these days you need to shop around (& be lucky with timings) - being loyal or lazy means you'll pay through the nose. I've never missed a Cardiff grand prix & have always stayed in the city centre - the most I've ever paid is £90 a night.
I'm all booked up for this year but just had a quick look and can see a city centre hotel on par with the big sleep for £75 a night with free parking & breakfast. And there are much better hotels asking for much less than what you are being asked for at big sleep.
Teams (according to sportowefakty)
Russia - helmets red
Grigory Laguta
Artem Laguta
Emil Sayfutdinov
Andrey Kudryashov
rez. Viktor Kulakov
Denmark - blue helmets
Niels Kristian Iversen
Kenneth Bjerre
Leon Madsen
Michael Jepsen Jensen
rez. Frederik Jakobsen
Australia - white helmets
Chris Holder
Sam Masters
Jason Doyle
Max Fricke
rez. Brady Kurtz
USA - yellow helmets
Greg Hancock
Ryan Fisher
Billy Janniro
Luke Becker
Looks like he is riding http://m.sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/617690/rosja-w-barazu-bedzie-mocniejsza-grigorij-laguta-wykupil-lot-do-manchesteru
A real shame no Kildemand or Pedersen for the Danes as I wanted to see the top riders. However it does make the race off very, very interesting.